Poczucie zagrożenia jako istotny modyfikator treści poglądu na świat


Feeling be threaten as a modifier of a view of the world View of the world is important expression of self. As a cognitive map it is used by human in process of the orientation in the world: evaluating facts and describing the nature of events. Especially interesting element of the view are beliefs in power determining human’s lot and world’s life: power of nature, fate, God, man, people, good luck, bad luck etc. Concidering the terror management theory, some hypotheses were tested. The main was: during the time, when people feeling be threaten, they modify their view of the world to avoid the anxiety. In the experiment, the film Social badness was presented. Participants who saw it, showed stronger belief in the power of nature, than those one, who saw Social goodness film. There are many points to interpret this result. Probably, participants perceived the badness through theirs ego (hypothesis of the egotic evaluation). That was dangerous process for the self-evaluation. So the solution was to use defense mechanisms (projection, self-serving atributions etc.). Higher belief in the power of the nature was the effect of thinking that the instinct is responsible for noticed badness

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This paper was published in Portal Czasopism Naukowych (E-Journals).

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