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Ekstraksi Minyak Melati (Jasminum sambac) (Kajian Jenis Pelarut dan Lama Ekstraksi)


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis pelarut dan lama ekstraksi terhadap rendemen dan mutu minyak melati. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 2 faktor yaitu jenis pelarut dan lama ekstraksi. Masing-masing faktor terdiri dari 3 level dan 2 level dengan 3 kali ulangan, sehingga didapatkan total 18 satuan percobaan. Pelarut yang digunakan yaitu petroleum eter dan heksan. Lama ekstraksi yang digunakan yaitu 3 jam, 4 jam, dan 5 jam. Hasil penelitian diperoleh rendemen yang dihasilkan menggunakan pelarut petroleum eter dan pelarut heksan berbeda nyata. Rerata rendemen pelarut petroleum eter 8,10% sedangkan pelarut heksan 5,48%. Lama ekstraksi berpengaruh nyata pada ekstraksi 3 jam, 4 jam dan 5 jam. Indeks bias minyak melati hasil ektraksi adalah 1,459 – 1,475. Jumlah rendemen dan indeks bias terbaik menggunakan pelarut petroleum eter dan lama ekstraksi 5 jam menghasilkan rendemen melati absolute sebesar 0,18%. Nilai indeks bias yang dihasilkan dari penelitian yaitu 1,479 0Brix serta kandungan benzyl acetate dan linalool masing-masing 15,78% dan 6,10%.Kata Kunci: Heksan, Petroleum Eter, Ekstraksi Pelarut, Minyak AtsiriAbstrack The objective of this research was to determine the effect of different solvents and extraction duration on yield and quality of jasmine oil. This study used a randomized block design with 2 factors that was type of solvent and extraction duration. Each factor consists of 3 levels and 2 levels with 3 replications, so we get a total of 18 experimental units. Solvents used were petroleum ether and hexane. Extraction duration used was 3 hours, 4 hours, and 5 hours. The results obtained yield produced using petroleum ether and hexane was significantly different. The mean yield of petroleum ether was 8.10% while hexane was 5.48%. Extraction duration had significant effect to yield of 3 hours, 4 hours and 5 hours. The result of jasmine oil refractive index was 1.459 to 1.475. The best amount of yield and refractive index was using petroleum ether solvent and 5 hours extraction produced 0.18% yield of jasmine absolute. The result value of refractive index was 1.479 Brix and the content of benzyl acetate and linalool each 15.78% and 6.10%.Key Words: Hexane, Petroleum Ether, Solvent Extraction, Essential Oi

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Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri (University of Brawijaya)

Last time updated on 17/10/2019

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