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La notificación como condición de eficacia de los actos administrativos. Con especial referencia al derecho administrativo peruano


Bearing in mind its juridical nature, regulatory principles, requirements to be followed for its materialization, and its effects, can servicing of public administration procedures be considered as an administrative procedure or as an efficient condition of administrative procedures? This situation, for example, is a problem in the Peruvian administrative law, due to the omission or nature and effects of servicing in the administrative procedure law. For that reason, the objective of this article is to answer above question and to demonstrate, in light of norms, that its omission results in the lack of its juridical effects on citizens.Bearing in mind its juridical nature, regulatory principles, requirements to be followed for its materialization, and its effects, can servicing of public administration procedures be considered as an administrative procedure or as an efficient condition of administrative procedures? This situation, for example, is a problem in the Peruvian administrative law, due to the omission or nature and effects of servicing in the administrative procedure law. For that reason, the objective of this article is to answer above question and to demonstrate, in light of norms, that its omission results in the lack of its juridical effects on citizens.Teniendo en cuenta su naturaleza jurídica, sus principios reguladores, los requisitos que debe observar para su materialización, y los efectos que produce, ¿se puede considerar la notificación de los actos de la Administración Pública como un procedimiento administrativo o como una condición de eficacia de los actos administrativos? Esta situación, por ejemplo, es problemática en el derecho administrativo peruano, debido la falta de mención en la Ley de Procedimientos Administrativos de la naturaleza y efectos de la notificación. Por ello, el objetivo del presente artículo es responder a la pregunta anteriormente planteada y demostrar, a la luz de la doctrina, que la notificación es una condición de eficacia de los actos administrativos y que la falta de la misma genera el no nacimiento de sus efectos jurídicos sobre los administrados

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Last time updated on 11/07/2019

This paper was published in DIALNET.

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