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Juror Perceptions of Trial Testimony as a Function of the Method of Presentation: A Comparison of Live, Color Video, Black-and-White Video, Audio, and Transcript Presentations
Summary of Contents
I. Introduction
A. Uses of videotape in the litigation process
1. Prelitigation videotape uses
2. Videotaped depositions
3. Electronic trial records
4. Electronic presentation of evidence
B. A review of the research literature
II. The Research Design: Rationale and Description
A. The need to assess the impact of videotape in the litigation process
B. The live trial as a standard of comparison
C. Description of the research design
1. The stimulus trial
2. The trial participants
3. The physical setting
4. A description of the different trial procedures
5. The questionnaire
III. Research Results
A. Juror perceptions of the trial participants as rated on the bipolar adjective scales
1. Competency
2. Honesty
3. Friendliness
4. Appearance
5. Objectivity
6. Additional adjective pairs
B. The amount of compensation awarded the landowner
C. The relationship of the dollar awards to juror ratings of trial participants
D. Juror preferences for the trial participants
E. Juror reactions to the trials
IV. Discussion of the Results
A. Comparative merits of deposition presentation methods
1. Read transcript
2. Audiotape
3. Black-and-white videotape
4. Color videotape
5. Conclusion
B. An evaluation of the use of videotape to present all testimony at trial
C. Recommendations for future researc
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