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Software implementation of proxy server for communication between HTTP and CoAP protocols


Nakon uvodnog dijela koji objašnjava problematiku radu, slijedi poglavlje u kojemu se obrađuju osnovni pojmovi o protokolima HTTP i CoAP, njihove karakteristike, prednosti i nedostaci te usporedba. Objašnjava se interoperabilnost dvaju protokola kroz karakteristike ograničenih mreža te primjenjivost u istima. Prikazan je i opisan model posredničkog poslužitelja Petrijevom mrežom. Analizi modela priložene su skica mreže te najvažnije karakteristike. Objašnjene su ključne značajke kojih se treba pridržavati tijekom razvoja posredničkog poslužitelja, primjerice implementacija translacijske funkcije. Opisana je razvijena usluga, specificirana njena arhitektura te ključni dijelovi (posrednički poslužitelj, klijentska Android aplikacija te mrežni prilaz Cocoon). Svi ključni dijelovi sustava detaljno su opisani u zasebnim poglavljima. Na samom kraju rada slijedi zaključak.After an introductory section that explains the theme of the work, follows a chapter which studies the basic concepts of protocols HTTP and COAP, their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and comparison. Furthermore, it explains in detail the interoperability of the two protocols and the characteristics of the constrained networks and devices. There is a description of a proxy server model via Petri net. The analysis of the model is accompanied by a network diagram and its most important characteristics. Implementation characteristics of proxy server are also explained, and emphasis is on the key features that should be developed in order for the server to work properly, such as the implementation of mapping function between two protocols. It is explained how implemented service works and what is it for. Its system architecture is specified and all of its key components (proxy server, client Android application and Cocoon network gateway). All key parts of the service are described in details in separate chapters. At the end there is a conclusion

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Croatian Digital Thesis Repository

Last time updated on 07/05/2019

This paper was published in Croatian Digital Thesis Repository.

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