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Psycho-physical readiness for school


Spremnost djeteta za polazak u školu uključuje tjelesnu, emocionalnu, socijalnu i kognitivnu zrelost. Tjelesna spremnost odnosi se na stupanj tjelesne razvijenosti u odnosu na dob te funkcioniranje osjetnih organa. Emocionalna razvijenost odnosi se na emocionalnu stabilnost i toleranciju na frustraciju. Socijalna spremnost odnosi se na vještinu komuniciranja i suradnju s vršnjacima i odraslima, a kognitivna spremnost uz inteligenciju uključuje iskustva i spoznaje o samom sebi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi stav roditelja o pripremi djece za polazak u školu, o njihovoj angažiranosti oko iste te zadovoljstvu roditelja s predškolskim programom. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi prepoznaju li roditelji psihofizičke komponente koje dijete treba usvojiti prije polaska u školu te smatraju li da imaju ključnu ulogu u djetetovoj pripremi za školu i stvaranju pozitvne slike o školi. Anketu je popunilo 35 roditelja čija djeca pohađaju predškolski program u tri vrtića u dva različita grada. Rezultati su prikazali da su roditelji upućeni u važnost pripreme za školu te da su svjesni što se od djece očekuje u školi. Izuzetno se zanimaju za one kompetencije koje su važne za praćenje i rješavanje zadataka u školi. Većina roditelja dobro poznaju koje kompetencije dijete treba usvojiti prije škole i na kojem stupnju razvoja treba biti njihovo dijete prije upisa u školu. Roditelji su svjesni da njihovo dijete i dalje treba prostor za igru i opuštanje. Također, većina je roditelja svjesna važnosti suradnje škole i vrtića po pitanju pripreme za školu te predškolskog programa koji u pripremi svakako treba pomoći.Child readiness for attending school includes physical, emotional, social and cognitive maturity. Physical readiness refers to level of physical size compared to age and functioning of sensory organs. Emotional readiness refers to emotional stability and ability to tolerate frustration. Social readiness refers to communication skills and cooperation with peers and adults, a cognitive readiness with intelligence includes experience and self-concept. Purpose of this research was to determine attitude of the parents about child's readiness of school about their engagement and about parents satisfaction with preschool programme. Also purpose was to determine do parents recognize psychophysical components which child needs to possess before school starts and do parents consider they have the key part about child's readiness for school and creating positive image of school. Thirty five parents which children attend preschool programme in three kindergarten in two different cities filled the questionnaire. Results showed that parents are awared about importance preparations for school and their awareness about what is expected from their children in the school. They are specially interested in competences which are important for monitoring and completing exams in school. Most of the parents know which competences the child needs to acquire before school and on what level of development child should be before school starts. Parents are aware that their child also needs time for playing and relaxing. Also, most of the parents know the important relation between kindergarten and school about readiness for school and preschool programme which is helpful in preparations as well

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Croatian Digital Thesis Repository

Last time updated on 07/05/2019

This paper was published in Croatian Digital Thesis Repository.

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