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Analytical approximation for 〈φ<sup>2</sup>〉 of a quantized scalar field in ultrastatic asymptotically flat spacetimes


Analytical approximations for 〈φ2〉 of a quantized scalar field in ultrastatic asymptotically flat spacetimes are obtained. The field is assumed to be both massive and massless, with an arbitrary coupling ξ to the scalar curvature, and in a zero or nonzero temperature vacuum state. The expression for 〈φ2〉 is divided into low- and high-frequency parts. The expansion for the high-frequency contribution to this quantity is obtained. This expansion is analogous to the DeWitt-Schwinger one. As an example, the low-frequency contribution to 〈φ2〉 is calculated on the background of the small perturbed flat spacetime in a quantum state corresponding to the Minkowski vacuum at the asymptotic. The limits of the applicability of these approximations are discussed

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This paper was published in Kazan Federal University Digital Repository.

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