Manero Miguel, Fernando and García Cuesta, José Luis (coords.) (2016). Patrimonio cultural y desarrollo territorial. Cultural heritage and territorial development
Manero Miguel, Fernando and García Cuesta, José Luis (coords.) (2016)Patrimonio cultural y desarrollo territorial. Cultural heritage and territorial developmentPamplona: Thompson Reuters. Aranzadi, 415 p.ISBN 978-8490981009Manero Miguel, Fernando and García Cuesta, José Luis (coords.) (2016)Patrimonio cultural y desarrollo territorial. Cultural heritage and territorial developmentPamplona: Thompson Reuters. Aranzadi, 415 p.ISBN 978-8490981009Manero Miguel, Fernando and García Cuesta, José Luis (coords.) (2016)Patrimonio cultural y desarrollo territorial. Cultural heritage and territorial developmentPamplona: Thompson Reuters. Aranzadi, 415 p.ISBN 978-8490981009Manero Miguel, Fernando and García Cuesta, José Luis (coords.) (2016)Patrimonio cultural y desarrollo territorial. Cultural heritage and territorial developmentPamplona: Thompson Reuters. Aranzadi, 415 p.ISBN 978-849098100
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