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Growth and progress an industry influenced by various factor supporting it, both for coming from outside and also from within industrial system of itself. One of factor having major effect to growth and progress of an industry is applied job system / used by company as industrial organizer and owner the. Than conducted perception result, system work exist in Mulia Jaya Workshop still own various weakness so that cause incidence of sigh and satisfaction from most its labor causing at lowering productivity, motivate and moral work at the labor himself and also affect also at number of absence and high Turn over. From the phenomenon emerge the idea to know and check furthermore of factors becoming cause of incidence of above problems. With an eye to get the analysis to existing job system in this time, getting concrete data to conduct the repair steps by conducting scheme to system work in Mulia Jaya Workshop which can improve the productivity, performance, and also satisfaction attainment work in himself of each; every labor. As for methodologies used to make the analysis in this research is by using factor analysis, result of research explain the factors becoming cause of incidence of various problems in Mulia Jaya Workshop is career, motivate the, satisfaction work, and incentive. While system repair work taken is change of leadership style, system change select and labor location, making of standard of procedure of ladder of career and increase employ, and change of investigation system which is relied on by SK of Governor No 635.A/KPTS/NAKER/2005, about UMP SUMSEL 2006.
Besides matter of is above applying of method Flexi time in scheduling work to represent one of solution given by utilize to overcome the problems of exist in Glorious August Workshop in this time
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