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Triplet and reversed triplet mechanism CIDEP studied by quenching experiments


Quenching experiments are shown to provide a convenient tool to check for the presence of triplet mechanism (TM) spin polarisation in time-resolved EPR spectra following laser flash photolysis. The effect of the triplet quenchers, trans-1,3-pentadiene, fumaronitrile, azo-tert-butane and azo-n-butane upon the spectra following laser photolysis of acetone/propan-2-ol and benzophenone/propan-2-ol photosystems show that no TM polarisation is present in the former system but emissive TM is present in the latter. Use of 2,2′-azo-bis[isobutryronitrile] produces an anomalous emissive polarisation upon quenching, which is tentatively attributed to a reversed TM in the triplet sensitised azo-compoun

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    This paper was published in RERO DOC Digital Library.

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