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MOESM4 of A novel acetyl xylan esterase enabling complete deacetylation of substituted xylans


Additional file 4: Fig. S4. FjoAcXE activity screen against 0.5% (w/v) of selected polysaccharides. Reactions (50 µL) contained 5 µg of FjoAcXE, 50 mM HEPES (pH 8.0), and 0.5% w/v of each substrate, and were incubated for 16 h at 30 °C. Reducing sugars were measured using 1% final PAHBAH reagent [58]. BEX = beechwood xylan (Sigma, X4252); OSX = oat spelt xylan (Sigma, X0627); CMC = carboxymethylcellulose (Megazyme, P-CMC4 M); β-glucan (low viscosity; from barley; Megazyme, P-BGBL); starch (from corn; Sigma-Aldrich, S4126); pectin (from apple; Sigma, 76282); WAX = wheat arabinoxylan (high viscosity; Megazyme, P-WAXYH); arabinan (from sugarbeet; Megazyme, P-ARAB); glucomannan (low viscosity; from konjac; Megazyme, P-GLCML); galactomannan (from guar, GD28; Megazyme, enzyme modified); xyloglucan (amyloid, from tamarind seed; Megazyme, P-XYGLN); arabinogalactan (acacia gum, Sigma, G9752)

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Last time updated on 08/04/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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