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Controlling Octagon-to-Square Wetting Interface Transition of Evaporating Sessile Droplet through Surfactant on Microtextured Surface


Producing and maintaining specific liquid patterns during evaporation holds great potential for techniques of printing and coating. Here we report the control over the evolution of surfactant solution droplets on the micropyramid substrates during evaporation. The polygonal droplet shape is achieved during the drying rather than solely at the beginning. As the initial surfactant concentration is 0.04 mM, the droplet maintains its initial octagonal shape throughout the lifetime. Interestingly, the initial octagonal shape transforms into a square during the evaporation as the initial surfactant concentration reaches 0.8 mM. These findings can shed light on wetting pattern control for complex solutions required in various applications

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The Francis Crick Institute

Last time updated on 08/04/2018

This paper was published in The Francis Crick Institute.

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