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Supplemental Figure 1 Phylogenetic tree of the pectinase gene family. All phasmatodea pectinases cluster within the gammaproteobacteria and form a highly supported monophyletic clade, supporting a single horizontal gene transfer event in the ancestor of the three insect lineages analyzed. Pectinases detected in the B. germanica genome cluster within bacteria as well, but do not form a monophyletic clade. It is likely that the pectinases identified are due to bacterial contamination of the genome assembly (see main text). Known chrysomelid beetle pectinases cluster within fungi, representing independent horizontal gene transfer events of pectinases from fungi to insects (Pauchet et al. 2010) Orange: M. extradentata, Blue: C. hookeri, Purple: D. australis, Red: B. germanica. Bootstrap support of 100 replicates is indicated for each branch. Gene models of the four newly annotated species with insect or bacterial genes in the 20kb flanking regions are indicated.<br> <br>Supplemental Figure 2 Phylogenetic tree of the cellulase gene family. All identified cellulase genes cluster within other known bacterial cellulase genes. Orange: M. extradentata, Blue: C. hookeri, Purple: D. australis, Red: B. germanica, Brown: Z. nevadensis, Pink: T. cristinae. Bootstrap support of 100 replicates is indicated for each branch
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