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Evaluation Procedure of Electrostatic Potential in 3D-RISM-SCF Method and Its Application to Hydrolyses of Cis- and Transplatin Complexes


In the three-dimensional reference interaction site model self-consistent field (3D-RISM-SCF) method, a switching function was introduced to evaluate the electrostatic potential (ESP) around the solute to smoothly connect the ESP directly calculated with the solute electronic wave function and that approximately calculated with solute point charges. Hydrolyses of cis- and transplatins, <i>cis</i>- and <i>trans</i>-PtCl<sub>2</sub>(NH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>, were investigated with this method. Solute geometries were optimized at the DFT level with the M06-2X functional, and free energy changes were calculated at the CCSD­(T) level. In the first hydrolysis, the calculated activation free energy is 20.8 kcal/mol for cisplatin and 20.3 kcal/mol for transplatin, which agrees with the experimental and recently reported theoretical results. A Cl anion, which is formed by the first hydrolysis, somehow favorably exists in the first solvation shell as a counteranion. The second hydrolysis occurs with a similar activation free energy (20.9 kcal/mol) for cisplatin but a somewhat larger energy (23.2 kcal/mol) for transplatin to afford <i>cis</i>- and <i>trans</i>-diaqua complexes. The Cl counteranion in the first solvation shell little influences the activation free energy but somewhat decreases the endothermicity in both cis- and transplatins. The present 3D-RISM-SCF method clearly displays the microscopic solvation structure and its changes in the hydrolysis, which are discussed in detail

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Last time updated on 16/03/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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