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Meta-analyses of reported associations of t-PA antigen, D-dimer and VWF with coronary heart disease risk in prospective population-based studies.


<p>Study acronyms are explained in the legend of <a href="" target="_blank"><b>Table 3</b></a>. Summary estimates were calculated using random effects models. *Degree of adjustment:+minimally adjusted (typically adjusted for age and sex only);++plus adjustment for at least one non-lipid marker;+++plus adjustment for at least one lipid marker;++++plus adjustment for at least one inflammatory marker. Where studies reported relative risks with more than one level of statistical adjustment, the most adjusted estimate was used (least adjusted estimates are reported in <b><a href="" target="_blank">Figure S8</a></b>).</p

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The Francis Crick Institute

Last time updated on 16/03/2018

This paper was published in The Francis Crick Institute.

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