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<p>Averaged activity of various genotype flies for a six-day-period under 8∶16 LD (A–D), 12∶12 LD (E–H), and 16∶8 LD (I–L) entrainment conditions. (A, E, I) <i>w<sup>1118</sup></i> control flies; (B, F, J) <i>pdfr<sup>5304</sup></i> single mutant flies; (C, G, K) <i>pdfr<sup>5304</sup>; ; cry<sup>b/01</sup></i> double mutant flies; (D, H, L) <i>cry-G4<sup>(19)</sup></i>; <i>cry<sup>b</sup> ss Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> double mutant flies. Both double mutant flies display lack of anticipatory peaks under LD cycles. Note that, in <i>pdfr</i> single mutants, the longer the day length becomes the more pronounced the advanced evening phenotype. For the experiment shown, the numbers of animals averaged are 32 (A), 31 (B), 32 (C), 32 (D), 30 (E), 14 (F), 15 (G), 32 (H), 32 (I), 31 (J), 31 (K), and 32 (L).</p
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