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<p>The figure shows an area (anterior cingulate cortex, −3, 39, 3) in which the young but not the elderly subjects showed reduced neural activity for unfamiliar versus familiar stimuli irrespective of stimulus type. Signal change at the local maximum is statistically significant at the voxel level (Psvc<0.05) in a ROI analysis based on the coordinates by <a href="" target="_blank">[29]</a>. The local maximum is superimposed on a sagittal single subject brain section provided by SPM5. The histogram displays percentage BOLD signal change for the local maximum as a function of the experimental conditions (mean and 90% confidence interval). YF = young familiar, YU = young unfamiliar, EF = elderly familiar, EU = elderly unfamiliar.</p

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Last time updated on 16/03/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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