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Multitemperature Memory Actuation of a Liquid Crystal Polymer Network over a Broad Nematic–Isotropic Phase Transition Induced by Large Strain


The shape change of a polymer actuator based on liquid crystal network (LCN) generally occurs over a relatively sharp LC-isotropic phase transition. Reported herein is the discovery of an unusual phenomenon and the enabled actuation control for LCN. The smectic phase of a LCN with mesogenic moieties on the chain backbone can be suppressed by high elongation of the specimen, which gives rise to a broad nematic–isotropic phase transition. Consequently, the actuation force and related shape of the actuator can be activated to a given degree by easily varying the temperature over a wide range (35 K for LCN prepared with 500% strain) to adjust the proportion of the order–disorder phase transition. This reversible multitemperature memory actuation can translate into many stable and interconvertible shapes with one single LCN actuator

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Last time updated on 14/03/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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