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Distribution of SecA at the surface of <i>S.</i><i>agalactiae</i> (GBS NEM316) and <i>S. pyogenes</i> (GAS M18).


<p>(A) Western blot image showing that the polyclonal antibody directed against <i>E. coli</i> SecA recognizes a band of approximately 90 kDa in both GAS M18 and GBS NEM316 strains. (B) Conventional immunofluorescence microscopy showing the differential distribution of SecA at the surface of GBS NEM316 versus GAS strain M18 collected in exponential and stationary phase of growth. Heterogeneity of SecA distribution was quantified by eye following analysis of randomly selected fields.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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