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Stibasilene SbSi and Its Lighter Homologues: A Comparative Study


The multiply bonded derivatives of the heavier main group elements are among the most challenging targets for synthetic pursuits. Those of them featuring a double bond between the silicon and group 15 element are represented mostly by the silaimines <i>N</i>Si< and phosphasilenes PSi< with a very few examples of arsasilenes AsSi<. In this contribution, we report on the synthesis and structural elucidation of the first stable stibasilene and novel phosphasilene and arsasilene derivatives, featuring an identical substitution pattern. A systematic comparison within the series phosphasilene–arsasilene–stibasilene is made on the basis of their experimental and computational studies

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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