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Supramolecular Side-Chain Poly[2]pseudorotaxanes Formed by Orthogonal Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly and Crown-Ether-Based Host–Guest Interactions


The themes of coordination-driven self-assembly, host–guest interactions, and supramolecular polymerization are unified in an orthogonal noninterfering fashion to deliver side-chain poly[2]­pseudorotaxanes. Specifically, a bis­(<i>p</i>-phenylene)-34-crown-10 derivative <b>1</b> bearing two pyridyl groups polymerizes into a side-chain poly[2]­pseudorotaxane upon the addition of di-Pt­(II) acceptor <b>4</b> in the presence of paraquat. Interestingly, by adding a competitive guest <b>3</b>, the poly[2]­pseudorotaxane can realize a conversion in one pot

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The Francis Crick Institute

Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in The Francis Crick Institute.

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