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Microarray analysis of gene expression in response to UV irradiation in SW13 cells with or without BRG1.


<p>(<b>A</b>) Morphological changes of SW13 cells after BRG1 re-expression and a schematic representation of sample preparation for Microarray analysis. SW13 cells with and without reintroduction of BRG1 were irradiated with UV or mock-treated. Three independent biological samples of these treatments were incubated for 6 hours in warm media to allow for recovery, and then collected for RNA extraction. RNA preparations were then used for Microarray analysis. Interestingly, this figure also shows the morphological changes associated with reintroduction of BRG1 in SW13 cells. (<b>B</b>) Western blotting confirming BRG1 protein expression. (<b>C</b>) Venn Diagram showing that BRG1 regulates the transcriptional response to UV irradiation in human cells. Shown here are the number of genes induced by UV in SW13 cells and SW13+BRG1 cells. 34 of these genes are BRG1-dependent genes, and are not expressed without BRG1 reintroduction. Out of the 87 total genes induced by UV, 61 of them are only induced in cells which include expression of BRG1. Thus, more than 70% of UV induced genes are regulated by BRG1.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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