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Detection of <i>Solenopsis invicta</i> short neuropeptide F receptor (<i>Solin</i> sNPFR) in stably transformed CHO-K1 cell line <i>Si</i>sNPFR-C6E8.


<p>The HA-tagged <i>Solin</i> sNPFR was detected by fluorescence immunocytochemistry using an anti-HA-tag antibody. The cell line names are shown on the left panel, and the antibody used labels the top of the first column. For each row, the images on the center show the nuclear staining with DAPI (blue) of the same cells on the left, and those on the right are merged images of the two previous. The HA-tag (red signal) is detected in <i>Solin</i> sNPFR cells (A–C) but not in the vector-only transformed cells (D–F). Rhimi-CAP<sub>2b</sub>-R cells (G–I) showing red signal were used as positive controls for the HA-tag labeling. No red signal was detected in <i>Solin</i> sNPFR cells incubated with pre-immune rabbit serum (J–L). An anti-α-tubulin antibody was used as positive control for the labeling of a cytoplasmic structural protein (M–O); the red pattern is different than for the HA-tag (contrast A and G to M). Scale bar, 50 µm.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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