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<p>LK-10-1 is the homozygous T<sub>3</sub> line transformed with <i>LaKCS</i>. K-5-2 is the homozygous T<sub>3</sub> line transformed with <i>LaKCS</i> and <i>AtKCR</i>. H-2-6 is the homozygous T<sub>3</sub> line transformed with <i>LaKCS</i> and <i>AtHCD</i>. E-1-1 is the homozygous T<sub>3</sub> line transformed with <i>LaKCS</i> and <i>AtECR</i>. K+H-4-2 is the homozygous T<sub>3</sub> line transformed with <i>LaKCS</i>, <i>AtKCR</i> and <i>AtHCD</i>. Data are presented as means with standard error bars SD, which were calculated based on 3–5 independent replicates. Samples from each replicate were measured using 15 mg developing seeds harvested at 25 days after flowering (DAF). Statistical significance for the difference between Wt and each transgenic line was determined by t-test. *, ** and *** designates a significant level at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively.</p
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