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Gene list for clustering premenopausal (preM) estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) tumors. Table S1. Gene list selected by sparse k-means algorithm in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data. Table S2. Genes selected based on TCGA data that are also in the Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium (METABRIC) data for validation. Table S3. Fixed number of genes (n = 21), gene list being selected from sparse k-means in TCGA. Table S4. Gene list selected by semi-supervised algorithm in METABRIC. Table S5. Fixed number of genes (n = 21), gene list being selected by semi-supervised algorithm in TCGA. Table S6. Genes (n = 28) in the LumA cluster that are significantly different between clusters 1 and 3. (XLSX 37 kb

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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