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LSR of genome CNV from leukocytes to predict prostate cancer recurrence with short PSADT.


<p>LSR derived from leukocyte genome CNV predicts PSADT 4 months or less. ROC analysis using LSRs derived from leukocyte CNVs as a prediction parameter (red) to predict PSADT 4 months or less, versus Nomogram (blue), Gleason’s grade (green) and the status of 8 fusion transcripts[<a href="" target="_blank">14</a>] (yellow). Samples were analyzed by the same procedure as <a href="" target="_blank">Fig 3</a>. (B) Combination of LSR (L), Gleason’s grade (G), Nomogram (N) and the status of fusion transcripts (F) to predict prostate cancer recurrent PSADT 4 months or less. ROC analysis of a model combining LSR, fusion transcripts, Nomogram and Gleason’s grade using LDA is indicated by black. ROC analysis of a model combining fusion transcripts, Nomogram and Gleason’s grade using LDA is indicated by red. ROC analysis of a model combining LSR, fusion transcripts and Gleason’s grade using LDA is indicated by blue. ROC analysis of a model combining LSR, fusion transcripts and Nomogram using LDA is indicated by green. ROC analysis of a model combining LSR, Nomogram and Gleason’s grade is indicated by yellow.</p

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The Francis Crick Institute

Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in The Francis Crick Institute.

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