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(SPI) is one kind of potassium-sparing diuretic,
and two polymorphs (form I and form II) along with five solvates (methanol,
ethanol, acetonitrile, ethyl acetate, and benzene) of SPI have been
reported in the literature. However, no detailed information about
the stability, solubility, and transformation behaviors of SPI forms
has been reported. In this paper, two new forms of SPI, 1-propanol
solvate and 2-propanol solvate, were found and characterized. The
thermodynamic stability and solubility of form II and four alcohol
solvates of SPI were investigated and determined. It was found that
methanol solvate and ethanol solvate of SPI are relatively stable
while 1-propanol solvate and 2-propanol solvate of SPI are metastable
in corresponding solvents, and 1-propanol solvate and 2-propanol solvate
of SPI would transform to form II in corresponding solvents. Furthermore,
the transformation processes of 1-propanol solvate and 2-propanol
solvate were in situ monitored by attenuated total reflectance Fourier
transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy
and some offline tools such as microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction
(PXRD). The reasons behind the transformation were explained by the
enthalpy data of different solvates
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