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Tyrosine 133 mutation does not alter the accumulation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.


<p>(A, B) Quantification of cells expressing different αSyn variants displaying ROS and RNS assessed with flow cytometry analysis. αSyn expression was induced for 6 h and the cells were stained for 1.5 h with DHR123 to visualize ROS (A) or with DAF-2 DA to visualize RNS (B). Forward scatter (FSC) and DHR123 (A) or DAF-2 DA (B) fluorescence of the cells, showing one representative result from at least four independent experiments. The percentage of the sub-populations of yeast cells with higher fluorescent intensities (P1) than the background are presented in the lower panels. Significance of differences was calculated with one-way ANOVA (****, <i>p</i> < 0.0001).</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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