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It is commonly agreed that the crystalline structure of seeds dictates the crystallinity of final nanoparticles in a seeded-growth process. Although the formation of monocrystalline particles does require the use of single-crystal seeds, twin planes may stem from either single- or polycrystalline seeds. However, experimental control over twin-plane formation remains difficult to achieve synthetically. Here, we show that a careful interplay between kinetics and selective surface passivation offers a unique handle over the emergence of twin planes (in decahedra and triangles) during the growth over single-crystalline gold nanoparticles of quasi-spherical shape. Twinning can be suppressed under conditions of slow kinetics in the presence of silver ions, yielding single-crystalline particles with high-index facets

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The Francis Crick Institute

Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in The Francis Crick Institute.

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