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<p>The CG ethylacetate (EA-CG) fraction contains five flavoglycosides, including Maysin and other phytochemicals, as described in a previous study [<a href="" target="_blank">20</a>]. Mouse sera were isolated from the EA-CG-treated and control Tg animal subjects (Mo/Hu APPswe PS1dE9) after feeding with admixture in diet food for 6 months (n = 10 mice per each group; all male and 10 weeks old mice). (A, B) To measure the beta amyloid dependent antibody response, using a sandwich ELISA, quantitation was performed utilize the Aβ1–42 synthetic peptide as the coating antigen and HRP-conjugated secondary IgG or IgM as a secondary antibody. Immunoglobulin IgG (A) and Immunoglobulin IgM (B), markers of an immune response against the EA-CG extract, were measured by ELISA, which was described in detail in the Materials and Methods. The values were presented as the means ± S.E.M. *p < 0.05 means statistically significant.</p

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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