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Mapping and Genetic Structure Analysis of the Anthracnose Resistance Locus <i>Co-1<sup>HY </sup></i>in the Common Bean (<i>Phaseolus vulgaris</i> L.)


<div><p>Anthracnose is a destructive disease of the common bean (<i>Phaseolus vulgaris</i> L.). The Andean cultivar Hongyundou has been demonstrated to possess strong resistance to anthracnose race 81. To study the genetics of this resistance, the Hongyundou cultivar was crossed with a susceptible genotype Jingdou. Segregation of resistance for race 81 was assessed in the F<sub>2</sub> population and F<sub>2:3</sub> lines under controlled conditions. Results indicate that Hongyundou carries a single dominant gene for anthracnose resistance. An allele test by crossing Hongyundou with another resistant cultivar revealed that the resistance gene is in the <i>Co-1</i> locus (therefore named <i>Co-1</i><sup><i>HY</i></sup>). The physical distance between this locus and the two flanking markers was 46 kb, and this region included four candidate genes, namely, <i>Phvul</i>.<i>001G243500</i>, <i>Phvul</i>.<i>001G243600</i>, <i>Phvul</i>.<i>001G243700</i> and <i>Phvul</i>.<i>001G243800</i>. These candidate genes encoded serine/threonine-protein kinases. Expression analysis of the four candidate genes in the resistant and susceptible cultivars under control condition and inoculated treatment revealed that all the four candidate genes are expressed at significantly higher levels in the resistant genotype than in susceptible genotype. <i>Phvul</i>.<i>001G243600</i> and <i>Phvul</i>.<i>001G243700</i> are expressed nearly 15-fold and 90-fold higher in the resistant genotype than in the susceptible parent before inoculation, respectively. Four candidate genes will provide useful information for further research into the resistance mechanism of anthracnose in common bean. The closely linked flanking markers identified here may be useful for transferring the resistance allele <i>Co-1</i><sup><i>HY</i></sup> from Hongyundou to elite anthracnose susceptible common bean lines.</p></div

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The Francis Crick Institute

Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in The Francis Crick Institute.

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