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In the absence of macrocyclic ring
constraints, few synthetic systems,
possessing a mostly solvent-independent well-folded conformation that
is predisposed for highly selective and high affinity recognition
of metal ions, have been demonstrated. We report here such a unique
class of conformationally robust modularly tunable folding molecules
termed foldarands that can recognize Hg<sup>2+</sup> ions surprisingly
well over 22 other metal ions. Despite the lack of sulfur atoms and
having only oxygen-donor atoms in its structure, the best foldarand
molecule, i.e., tetramer <b>4</b>, exhibits a selectivity factor
of at least 19 in differentiating the most tightly bound Hg<sup>2+</sup> ion from all other metal ions, and a binding capacity that is ≥18
times that of thio-crown ethers. These two noteworthy binding characters
make possible low level removal of Hg<sup>2+</sup> ions. With a [<b>4</b>]:[Hg<sup>2+</sup>] molar ratio of 5:1 and a single biphasic
solvent extraction, the concentration of Hg<sup>2+</sup> ions could
be reduced drastically by 98% (from 200 to 4 ppb) in pure water. <b>4</b> could also effect a highly efficient reduction in mercury
content by 98% (from 500 to 10 ppb) in artificial groundwater via
multiple successive extractions with an overall consumption of <b>4</b> being 9:1 in terms of [<b>4</b>]:[Hg<sup>2+</sup>]
molar ratio
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