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The dynamics of local upgrading in globalizing latecomer regions: a geographical analysis
<p>The dynamics of local upgrading in globalizing latecomer regions: a geographical analysis. <i>Regional Studies</i>. By noting the spatial-less nature of the mainstream studies of industrial upgrading, this paper theorizes how local upgrading is affected by geographical heterogeneity at different scales in relation to three spatial factors: location, regional conditions and global competitive dynamics. In doing so, it argues that local firms can take advantage of these factors to access more resources for industrial upgrading instead of choosing from the limited options offered by previous studies such as state intervention or indigenous innovation. Three cases in the Pearl River Delta in China are presented to illustrate these local dynamics.</p- Text
- Journal contribution
- Medicine
- Cell Biology
- Ecology
- Sociology
- Immunology
- Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified
- industrial upgrading
- global production networks
- embeddedness
- heterogeneity
- China
- Pearl river delta
- 产业升级
- 全球生产网络
- 嵌入性
- 异质性
- 中国
- 珠江三角洲
- revalorisation industrielle
- réseaux de production mondiaux
- ancrage
- hétérogénéité
- Chine
- delta de la rivière des perles
- industrielle modernisierung
- globale produktionsnetzwerke
- einbettung
- heterogenität
- perlflussdelta
- modernización industrial
- redes de producción global
- integración
- heterogeneidad
- delta del río de las perlas
- H7
- L
- O
- R