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Preparation of Covalent Pseudo-Two-Dimensional Polymers in Water by Free Radical Polymerization


Two-dimensional (2D) polymer has attracted considerable attention due to its excellent properties. Although a number of 2D polymers have been reported, preparation of free-standing single-layer 2D polymers in solution is still a big challenge. Here we report a facile and highly efficient strategy for synthesis of free-standing single-layer covalent pseudo-2D polymers via free radical polymerization in water on a large scale. The strategy designated as “two-dimensional self-assembly polymerization (2DSP)” includes formation of supramolecular 2D nanosheets by self-assembly of bola-amphiphilic monomer that bearing two maleic acid moieties and transformation of supramolecular 2D nanosheets to covalent pseudo-2D polymers by copolymerization with vinyl monomers. We find that the counterion of the bola-amphiphile has a significant influence on formation of single-layer supramolecular 2D nanosheets, and the formation of 2D polymer sheets is highly related to the vinyl monomers. The unique 2D polymer sheets were used to prepare hydrogels with excellent mechanical properties

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The Francis Crick Institute

Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in The Francis Crick Institute.

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