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GSH-Activated NIR Fluorescent Prodrug for Podophyllotoxin Delivery
Theranostic prodrug therapy enables the targeted delivery of anticancer drugs with minimized adverse effects and real-time <i>in situ</i> monitoring of activation of the prodrugs. In this work, we report the synthesis and biological assessment of the near-infrared (NIR) prodrug DCM-S-PPT and its amphiphilic copolymer (<i>m</i>PEG-DSPE)-encapsulated nanoparticles. DCM-S-PPT is composed of podophyllotoxin (PPT) as the anticancer moiety and a dicyanomethylene-4<i>H</i>-pyran (DCM) derivative as the NIR fluorescent reporter, which are linked by a thiol-specific cleavable disulfide bond. <i>In vitro</i> experiments indicated that DCM-S-PPT has low cytotoxicity and that glutathione (GSH) can activate DCM-S-PPT resulting in PPT release and a concomitant significant enhancement in NIR fluorescence at 665 nm. After being intravenously injected into tumor-bearing nude mice, DCM-S-PPT exhibited excellent tumor-activated performance. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that <i>m</i>PEG-DSPE as a nanocarrier loaded with DCM-S-PPT (<i>m</i>PEG-DSPE/DCM-S-PPT) showed even greater tumor-targeting performance than DCM-S-PPT on account of the enhanced permeability and retention effect. Its tumor-targeting ability and specific drug release in tumors make DCM-S-PPT a promising prodrug that could provide a significant strategy for theranostic drug delivery systems- Text
- Journal contribution
- Biochemistry
- Medicine
- Pharmacology
- Biotechnology
- Sociology
- Cancer
- Space Science
- Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified
- Chemical Sciences not elsewhere classified
- Podophyllotoxin Delivery Theranostic prodrug therapy
- theranostic drug delivery systems
- anticancer moiety
- retention effect
- tumor-activated performance
- anticancer drugs
- PPT release
- 665 nm
- amphiphilic copolymer
- GSH-Activated NIR
- dicyanomethylene -4 H
- thiol-specific cleavable disulfide bond
- NIR fluorescence
- prodrug DCM-S-PPT
- drug release
- tumor-targeting ability
- tumor-targeting performance