Karakteristik Bio-Oil Hasil Pirolisis Ampas Tebu (Bagasse)


Bagasse is a waste of sugar mills that can be utilized for a variety of chemicals. The purposes of this study are to determine the percentage of the compounds and physical properties of bio-oil, to determine the effect of variations of particle size and heating rate on the yields of bio-oil. Pyrolysis has been carried out in a reactor made of steel pipe type 5737 with dimension: diameter 7.62 cm and length 37 cm in length. The reactor was inserted into the furnace with a diameter of 15.24 cm and a length of 40 cm. One hundred and fifty grams of bagasse (Saccarum oficinarum L) has been inserted into the reactor without the presence of oxygen at atmospheric pressure. Pyrolysis has been carried out at the particle size of (-20+25) mesh, (-25+30) mesh, (-30+35) mesh , (-35+40) mesh, and -40 mesh and electrical voltage of 100, 105, 115, and 120 volt. Produced bio-oil has the following properties: brown color, pH of 2.96 to 3.03, viscosity of 1.3306 to 1.5101 cp, and density of 1.03 to 1.5 g/mL. The largest content of the compound is acetic acid (59,72%). The highest yields percentage of the particle size is (40,32%) on (-20+25 mesh) and highest yields percentage electrical voltage is 38,82% on 105 volt

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