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Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar gugus fungsional turunan senyawa hidrokarbon (alkohol dan ester) menggunakan konteks biodiesel untuk mencapai literasi sains siswa SMK. Penelitian mengacu pada Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER). Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu pedoman wawancara yang terdiri dari 12 pertanyaan, lembar validasi indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran aspek kognitif dan aspek afektif, lembar validasi rancangan bahan ajar dan lembar uji keterbacaan bahan ajar gugus fungsional turunan senyawa hidrokarbon (alkohol dan ester) menggunakan konteks biodiesel yang berbasis literasi sains. Data penelitian yang diperoleh berupa transkripsi wawancara 10 orang siswa kelas X, hasil validasi indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran aspek kognitif dan aspek afektif, hasil validasi rancangan bahan ajar dan hasil uji keterbacaan bahan ajar gugus fungsional turunan senyawa hidrokarbon (alkohol dan ester) menggunakan konteks biodiesel yang berbasis literasi sains. Hasil penelitian berupa prakonsepsi siswa terhadap biodiesel yang digunakan sebagai salah satu dasar untuk rancangan bahan ajar . Selain prakonsepsi, bahan ajar juga disesuaikan dengan kurikulum, kesesuaian dengan aspek kompetensi ilmiah dan sikap dari Program for International Student Assesment (PISA), konsep alkohol dan ester digabungkan (dikompositkan) dengan konteks biodiesel dan kesesuaian dengan tingkat perkembangan kognitif siswa. Analisis data hasil penelitian dilakukan menggunakan teknik Content Validity Ratio (CVR). Perolehan rata-rata CVR sebesar 0,92 dirumuskan melalui Content Validity Index (CVI). Hasil CVI ini menunjukkan bahwa konten bahan ajar valid dan layak untuk diimplementasikan kepada siswa SMK. Secara keseluruhan, keterbacaan bahan ajar gugus fungsi turunan senyawa hidrokarbon (alkohol dan ester) mudah dipahami dengan persentase sebesar 74,35%.
Kata kunci: Bahan Ajar, Gugus Fungsi Turunan Senyawa hidrokarbon (alkohol dan ester), Biodiesel, Literasi Sains, Model of Educational Reconstruction
The study was conducted to reconstruct the teaching material on functional groups (alcohols and esters) using biodiesel context to reach scientific literacy of high school students. The study refers to the Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER). The instruments used were interview form consisting of 12 of the questions, validation of indicators at cognitive and affective aspects, and validation of design teaching materials and readability form of teaching materials on functional groups (alcohols and esters) using the context of biodiesel based on scientific literacy. The research data obtained in the form of an interview transcript 10 students of class X, result of validation indicators at cognitive and affective aspects, result of validation design teaching materials and readability form of teaching materials on functional groups (alcohols and esters) using the context of biodiesel based on scientific literacy. The results of the study in the form of pre-conceptions students of biodiesel. The design of instructional materials that are based on the suitability of curriculum, the suitability of the scientific competence of Pisa in 2012, concept of alcohol and esters are combined (composited) with the context of biodiesel, and suitability of the students' cognitive level. Data analysis was performed using the technique of research results Content Validity Ratio (CVR). Acquisition average CVR of 0.92 formulated through the Content Validity Index (CVI). The CVI results showed that the content of teaching materials is valid and feasible to be implemented to high school students. Overall, the results show the readability alcohols and esters teaching materials has an easy criterion to understand by the student with 74,35%.
Key words: teaching materials, functional group (alcohol and esters), biodiesel, scientific literacy, Model of Educational Reconstructio
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