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The floristic characteristics of Mt Aydogdu (Denizli, Turkey) are presented and the vascular plant species growing in the area are documented. The study was carried out between 2000– 2003, and 1112 vascular plant samples were collected. At the end of the study, 586 taxa (at specific and infraspecific ranks) belonging to 82 families and 314 genera were identified. Asteraceae (76 species), Fabaceae (65 species) and Brassicaceae (43 species) are the largest families and Trifolium L. (13 species), Ornithogalum L. (9 species) and Veronica L. (9 species) are the largest genera in the area. The phytogeographic elements and their proportion represented in the study area are as follows: Mediterranean 180 (30.7%), Irano-Turanian 43 (7.3%), Euro-Siberian 24 (4.0%) and multiregional or of unknown phytogeographic origin 339 (58.0%). The endemism rate of the area is 9.7%, less then one third of the mean endemism rate in Turkey.U radu su prikazane florističke osobine planine Aydogdu (Denizli, Turska) i zabilježene su vrste vaskularnih biljaka koje rastu na tom području. Istraživanje je provedeno između 2000. i 2003., a prikupljeno je 1112 uzoraka vaskularnih biljaka. Na kraju istraživanja determinirano je sveukupno 586 svojti (na razini vrste i podvrste) iz 82 porodice i 314 rodova. Najzastupljenije porodice su Asteraceae (76 vrsta), Fabaceae (65 vrsta) i Brassicaceae (43 vrste), te rodovi Trifolium L. (13 vrsta), Ornithogalum L. (9 vrsta) i Veronica L. (9 vrsta). Fitogeografski elementi i njihov omjer je sljedeći: Mediteranski 180 (30.7%), Irano-Turanski 43 (7.3%), Eurosibirski 24 (4.0%) i multiregionalni ili nepoznatog fitogeografskog porijekla 339 (58.0%). Stupanj endemizma ovog područja je 9.7%, manje od jedne trećine srednje vrijednosti endemizma za Tursku
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