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'Indonesian Agency For Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD)'
. Large amount of acid sulfate soil area both actual and potential acid sulfate soil in Indonesia is potential for agriculture development. Soil acidity, low nutrient availability, and iron toxicity are some constrains that often limit plant growth in the soils. Organic matter management is one of the important technologies to increase sustainable acid sulfate soil productivity. This paper discuses the potency of rice straw residues as a source of nutrients and ameliorant that are able to increase sustainable acid sulfate soil productivity. The use of rice straw residue is a very important role in increasing acid sulfate soil productivity because it could be a source of plant nutrients, improve efficiency of P fertilizer, and reduce Fe toxicity. The use of rice straw residues can increase rice production at acid sulfate soil. If the rice straw residue is combined with other component of technologies, such as the use of decomposer of trichoderma, planting rice variety that is resistant to iron toxicity (IR 66 and Margasari), and a the use of biofilter in the inlet canal, the rice production would be higher
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