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Pola Sebaran Spesies Tikus Habitat Pasar Berdasarkan Jenis Komoditas Di Pasar Kota Banjarnegara


Rodents (Order Rodentia) is a wild animal from mammals class and are known as nuisance animals in humanlife, especially domestic rats. Domestic rats have habitats close to human life such as housing, fields and markets.The market is a place where there are lots of food. The purpose of this research was describing the distribution ofrat species habitat based on the type of commodity markets in the Banjarnegara City Market. The researchmethod was a survey with cross-sectional approach, the whole population was rats in City Market and samplewas trapped rats in Banjarnegara City Market. A research instrument set mouse traps and pieces ofidentification, technical analysis is used descriptively and presented in narrative form and frequency distributiontable. The results showed that the number of rats caught consists of several species, 28 Rattus tanezumi, 1 R.norvegicus and 4 S. murinus. Based on trap location only R. tanezumi found inside kiosk. The percentage of ratpositive trap based on kiosk higher found in groceries kiosk (35%), while the lowest is spice kiosk, vegetables andfruits (4%). Rattus tanezumi more dominantly found than other species

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Last time updated on 28/11/2017

This paper was published in Neliti.

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