Karakteristik Dan Bentuk Persekutuan Perdata Notaris


The Writing this journal discusses the legal issues regarding the setting Guild Civil Notaries in Article 20 of Law No. 2 of 2014 on the amendment of Law No. 30 of 2004 on the Rules of Notary. The purpose of writing this journal to analyze and assess the fellowship oerdata notary regulated in Law Notary has similar characteristics with article 1819 KUHPdt and analyze form a civil partnership notary in accordance with the character and profession of notary. The method used in this thesis normative. The approach used is Pendekan Legislation, Conceptual Approach, And Comparison Approach. the results of this journal found the Guild civil notary arranged in UUJN - P is a civil partnership that aims not run the company in terms of commercial, profit is not a part or orientation in running profesinya.Persekutuan civil notary can not be said to run a company but a civil partnership in the sense office together . Then In the practice of communion civil notary conceptualized as a form of cooperation in which two or more notaries hire one building and occupied it together, with the division of the rooms inside the building as the office of each notary in communion civil, the client is expected to elect a notary where in the building that used his services

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Last time updated on 16/11/2017

This paper was published in Neliti.

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