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Transient Relativistically-Shifted Lines as a Probe of Black Hole Systems


X-ray spectra of Seyfert-type Active Galaxies have revealed a new type of X-ray spectral feature, one which appears to offer important new insight into the black hole system. XMM revealed several narrow emission lines redward of Fe Kalpha in NGC 3516. Since that discovery in NGC 3516, the phenomenon has been observed in other Seyfert galaxies, e.g. NGC 7314 and ESO 198-G24. We present new evidence for a redshifted Fe line in XMM spectra of Mrk 766. These data reveal the first evidence for a significant shift in the energy of a redshift Fe line, the shift occurs over just a few tens of kiloseconds. This shift may be interpreted as deceleration of ejected gas, the velocity of the material lies just above the escape velocity at the implied radial location of the emitter

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NASA Technical Reports Server

Last time updated on 31/05/2013

This paper was published in NASA Technical Reports Server.

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