Diary of Zilla (Linford) Richards, 1944


Diary of Zilla (Linford) Richards from 1944, printed by Maurice Melvin, Insurance agent in Pasadena and Los AngelesMAURICE "MELVIN , . , AAURAHCE itttfifSfM \MOm '&2Q89 RYAM 1-6349 \ndey Wednesday - January 5 10 WJb^^ y « , Safurday - January 8 10- n- 12- 1- Annual losses due to embezzlements by employees exceed 200,000,000ThursdayMarch991023i4»5FridayMarchIO910111212345Forprompt,efficientbondingservicecallourlocalrepresentativeSaturdayMarch7710n12135SundayMarch121012duetoembezzlementsbyemployeesexceed200,000,000 Thursday - March 9 9- 10- 2- 3- i 4- » 5- Friday-March IO 9- 10- 11- 12- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- For prompt, efficient bonding service call our local representative Saturday - March 7 7 10- n- 12- 1- 3- 5- - Sunday - March 12 10- 12- due to embezzlements by employees exceed 200,000,000 10- 11- 12- 4- 10- 11- 12- 1- 2- Monday - March 73 Tuesday - March 14 5- Fidellty Bonds offset the costly consequences of employee-dishonesty 9- 10- 11- 12- 1- Wednesday - March 75 5- Thursday - March 16 10- ii- 12- Burglars are a. constant threat to every householder's security 9- 10- 11- 12- 1- Friday - March 77 Saturday - March 18 10- ii- 12- 1- Protect what you have with Residence and Outside Theft Insurance 9- Sunday - March 19 10- n- 12- 5- 9- 10- 11- 12- 4- 5- Monday - March 20 Every merchant runs the risk of Joss due to burglaries and holdups 10- 11- 12- 5- 9- 10- 11- 12- 1- 2- Tuesday - March 27 Wednesday - March 22 5- Meets merchants' needs: the Storekeepers' Burglary & Robbery Policy Thursday - March 23 9- 10- 11- 12- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- ~ Friday-March 24 9- 10- 11- 12- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- When you build, safeguard your investment with a Centra* Bond 9- 10- 11- 12- 1- 9- 10- 11- Saturday - March 25 - Sunday. March 26 12- 2- 3- 4- 5- Contract Bonds guarantee the successful completion of building projects 10- 11- 12- Monday - March 27 Tuesday - March 28 10- 2- 3- This Company furnishes the bonds usually required of public officials Sunday - April 2 9- /f^^AuA^J-J>^ A~- SI, '*1 la- ^ ^ t t ^ ^ * ^ * ^ - ^ * ^ ^ „_ ^GMtCTuLi^ 4- n Cu^A- ruAtAj to^ATAlAT A^AidtAuu OAOLAAIA> - 90 -/00 /UTy*«* ,^-/t >*~ Prudent employers ma&e if a point to bond their trusted employees Tuesday - April 4 10- 11- 12- y i A? 4- ' -r Wednesday - April 5 ^ ^ • o c 4- The forgery and alferafion of checis is A merica's iastest growing crime 10- 11- 12- Thursday - April 6 33 0 t^f U^^ (U^^o AX .JJ ribA*A*^Jb»-^ H::^3^ ,y o AT %JA^, ^ T~_ tot, ^A^ i *H e- •_&*#£ ^A J • . Bankers Blanket Bonds provide all-'round protection tor banks Monday - April 70 ft^ lO-ll-f ^ A4J^ iJrul. &~+ LAZ^A^ 3/'7 H^'Ett yS\ . I / *• A /AH/ // ^ /«?> /? / y o ^c J^ • - • HA &A/- 5- Payroll funds frequently inspire bandits to bold and bloody deeds 9- 10- 11- 12- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 9- 10- 11- ' Friday-April 14 • • • - %tt4'IIF'A^At\A - ^ M M I I If , 12- '" tAj * ^ ^ 3- - S^yA Paymaster Bobbery Insurance helps save lives as well as property Sunday - April 16 In 1 %y^A A IXfHtrUtAvxJ/ , LifyAf^ n 12 Monday - April 77 CCu€3t* , _tf?/2 ^ 0/ysir u^JiLL ( -L . •rfr\ We devote special attention to the bonding needs of attorneys Saturday - July 75 10- H>Mt Cftsi^- A - CLAAAA- • U~ A 1 5 W w t • ST J lA 7 f twzTm w******AtiA 7jA%T 7 ^Ac. Hf„ ^y*n_» ^ursday-Ju'ly _J^r±_^|_-^ RAzA„~ ^KAZCJAA I Q "j y i n_ ^"*^ i'i««*Uu»£j to %-^^'^pJA AA .. .(•, /(1 / ( .. JJ 4- *MtLt» ^faJd A. costly consequences of employee-dishonesty «tt^.tJM(W{^( Qr**A: 10- v i M',;-' 11- •3)f*4Afct AJ*M AOAA7 12- ''y^v&AAwSt WQ LAH*- fLtpfiA*- 1- YAACIMAS>-'\ , 2~S^tlhuA 4- A*Ak J ^SA^,jA4lAA.*« '-.«• > J_U -WY^,AJA*)A2 UHAAALLA ItfHfyz A*A~. Attn, -; lAAfi^Mjtst^a 2 J ~ l*e ^*-^AtA\jJfruA\ hftsaA-Saturday - July 22j! 10 n ,y?--.- A*AT*nAllA~S . I *? " /© 1~«AAi^.l,Q3« ». Z l"x 3 7" 3- . Wwdw*, ' •*' ;y. ^Z^m^_4 j*s?^ ttu^yi Burg, 0\«AA, l*tXf jrAAyAAf*- ,. ars are a consian /6c J^JUAAW, threat IO0 e>v?e ry householder's security Sunday - July 23 v,y/' § it- •'( -A • i T Aumt^idpQ " ' ' ' A 'A , ^ sit i L!%AJATAXM. y%JsLc^ **%™ . " *A4^ ^ ^ A jA"-. | ' '««>;„,, (, Wednesday - July 26 ' ""a..,-.,.. lO-ll C ' MEI A.*, A ^U*AJt«,i A"' -lifij •JL1/± VA. *w y .... **' -A Si*-* * ••a-*.. ' " , • * - - • . 72/ "eA*+ /A*h*K_ Every merchant runs the risk ol loss due to burglaries and holdups Thursday - July 27 i a i - ^*~**£m*£/ \AX 0&ti11 (£\A(A*AArt 2-. t«... XI f, r> 3-, , A'H J if gT^t-y*.. /fc-^- / Friday-July 28 10- n- 12- ,t i *y. l- 2- JJ A »e 5- bl>t *, S*i*-nA+n. i AtAX-JfA^H^SAAu.-} Meets merchants' needs: the Storekeepers' Burglary & Robbery Policy 11- 12- 1- 2- Saturday -July 29 i-hXKMjflo A^U^Cr-J a* v £>> /2AT>^U^ Jn 5 P A 4- J"y^ **• / y / A i V &**~\/^*\ 10 11 /A: ' iv w Monday - October 30 What man has made, man can unmake-burglar-proof safes included CAACJO * D. Wednesday - November 8 10- n- 12- l^l/i^- * AA/ASIA- fyC -h fAl.CHA-tr, CA-C f&k *j. 3- 10- 11- 12- Thursday • November 9 ?1«ALAA ' -ALLAA 1- 2- y\AA7&-tA/SAt^jXyA Dr. Our local representative is equipped to meet your every bonding need 9- 10- 11- l-t-l-e-t Friday - November 10 T%***AL I ^ 12- Y „ ^ LTffl^ 5- 9- 10- 11- 12- - ^y/AAUsuAn Agy%~ Saturday - November 11 5~ O (.A / W T ^ - W - ! */A\ -U ' A / \ ATA-^ I A^^ fa-fKU, AA I rfAT-A/ •^yv. ^XJ^s^^Jk Insurance should be bought up to a standard, not down to a price 10- 11- Sunday - November 72 LLyt/uy &A[, TLL Ala &7 *> •r-r*,. _t 12- l ^ H^V4^~Wu*JU 3- 4- \}jOAn^ J/J- "*# A- i insurance is dollar protection. There are no cut-rate dollars 9- 10- 11- 12- 1- 2- 3- Tuesday - November 14 •Wednesday - November 75- 9- 10- 11- 12- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- The history of personal suretyship is a record of ruined lire Special Data Perpetual Calendar Showing the Day of the Week for Any Date between 1700 and 2499 Table of Dominical Letters Year of the 0 1 , 2 3 •4 5 8 *78 9 10 •1112 13 14 *1156 17 18 •1290 21 22 *2234 25 26 27 Century *Denote Leap-Year "28 29 30 •3312 33 34 *3356 37 38 "3490 41 42 •4434 45 46 •4478 49 50 •5512 53 54 55 •56 57 58 •5690 61 62 *6634 65 66 •6678 69 70 *7712 73 74 •7756 77 78 •7890 81 82 83 8 •84 85 86 *8878 89 90 •9912 93 94 •9956 97 98 99 . Centuries © o o © C B A EG D C GB F E BD A G DF C B A F E D AC G F E o © IN IN © O JGOO D C B G F E D B A G F D C B A F E D C A G F E C B A G © © CO IN O o at G F E D B A G DF C B A F E D C A G F E C B A EG D C B © o CM O 1 A G F E C B A EG D C B G F E D B A G DF C B A F E D C Month January, October Feb., Mar., Nov. Jan., Apr., Juiy May June February, August 1 Sept., Dec. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Dominical Letter A D G B E C SFu M Tu W Th F Sa B E A C F D SGa Su M Tu W Th F C F B D G E FA Sa Su M Tu W Th D G C E A F TBh F Sa Su M Tu W E A D F B G WC Th F Sa Su M Tu F B E G C A D Tu W Th F Sa Su M G C F A D B E M Tu W Th F Sa EXPLANATION Su Find first the Year of the Century and in line -with that figure at the right, in the proper column under the heading Centuries, will be found the Dominical Letter of the year. Then in the table headed Dominical Letter and in line with the proper Month find the letter pre­viously determined. Kun down this column until you are in line with the proper Day of the Month and at the intersection you will find the Day of the Week. In Leap-Years the Dominical Letters for January and February will be foundE iXnA tMhPeL ElSin es where these months On what day of the week did January 5, 1891, fall ? For 1891 the Dominical Letter is "D." After finding this and (the •tann "A," runn day arii and mg c of 1. U in li own iie l 76, i ne w that nontli he D ith 1 colm ), y omin is S nn u ra w ieal itur< n til i ill ii Lett lay. •ou a nd J ;r is re 0] lone "A. iposi ay. ' Ur fe 5" For der » Postal Regulations Applying in United States and Possessions FIRST C1.ASS portal cards: Domestic, lc (single), 2c (double)";" Canada, 2c (^ingleh" 4c TdAbleh™"1*"' SECOND CLASS-NEWSPAPERS, .MAGAZINES Transient Second Class Kate le for each two ozs. or fraction when mailed by public except when the Parcel Post zone rates are less, in which case the lower rate will be THIRD CLASS-LIMIT 8 ozs. MERCHANDISE, Booklets, Circulars and other Printed Matter i fHVaf"a''",ch ^ V A ^ H " ' e?c.ept B o o k s or Catalogs of 24 or more pages with at 2 oz' or f r a " : *' "' C l ° D S a n d S w d s for w W c h the rate lB *«"or each THIRD CLASS-BCLK RATE MERCHANDISE, Booklets, Circulars and other Printed Matter. Must mail 200 or nmr« identical pieees, or not less than 20 lbs. 12c per lb. in bulk, but not ess than lc a n'ece *A "n «•" B°wK?, ""?. cftalpsu«s »f 24 or more pages/with at least 22 printed M « I plect' Cl,ttJBlfs' Bulbs' I!oots- Scions a n d p l a n t«. 8c pe? lb. to bulk, but not less"than^lc a (See Postmaster for permits and further instructions) FOURTH CLAS.S Hmi/J-fH^J' M A T T E R other than First or Second Class that weighs over 8 ounces-limit of weight, 70 pounds. Limit of size, 100 inches, length and girth combined (Par-and X f h enngATjh a n 10'^-. measuring over 84 but'not more than 100 inches in length and girth combined are subject to a minimum charge equal to that for a 10-lb. package.) Zones Miles 1st Lb. Local 7c 1 & 2 up tol50 8c 3 150 to 300 9c 4 300 to 600 10c Each Add'l. Lb. lc (2 lbs.) 1.1c 2c 3.5c Zones 5 Miles 600 to 1000 10OO to 1400 14O0 to 1800 over 1800 1st Lb. lie 12c 14c ISc Each Add'l. Lb. 5.3c 7c 9c a full cent"00 °f * C6Dt '" tbe t0tal a m o u n t of Postage on any parcel shall be counlteide as SPECIAL HANDLING AND SPECIAL DELIVERY Second, Third and Fourth Classes not over*™ ?&"?%" f£ n™ ParCe!s UpMV2 lbs' ; 15c for Pareel» mor« than 2 lbs., and haidlto- t r . n l r t r t i . r t °Ver 1 0'b s v Parcels will receive the most expeditious nanuiing, transportation and delivery practicable, but not special delivery. overK^flwS™rC Hr parc,eis,L,p £ 2 lbs- i 25c for Parcel« more than 2 lbs., and not over it) lbs., doc for parcels over 10 lbs. Parcels will receive the most nxnodlHoiv? LmiiiZ transportation and delivery practicable, and also specialdeliver.?1 af £ ? office of "aSdresf.' Railway Express Service (THROUGH RATES AND CHARGES) mo^&?^'^&^^*&«i^M1,00 for parties w „ L ^ P reSiS for p 5 l n t s not o n alr lines- Alr express rates for greate? weights and alsoTT?A'-IS I Po u n d v°,r less- Proportionate charges apply eepted under the same genial r e ™ ' ™ fiance shipped. Air express shipments are ac-tically all classes of' m a l t M - S n T T L T J ™n<Jltl0.n? as rail express shipments and prec­eded for shipment.Amoving by^a^express SpeCial P1Ck"Up a n d deliTery servlce ls p r ° - JAN. Totals MARCH Cask Account Received Paid Received Paid FEB. Tota APRIL Received Paid Received • . . Paid Totals Tota Cash Account M A Y Received Paid Total! JULY Received Paid JUNE Received Paid Totals AUG. Received Paid Totals Totals Cash Account SEPT. Totals NOV. Totals Received Received Paid Paid OCT. Tota It DEC. Totals Received Received . Paid Paid M M Summary On hand January I . Received January . February March . . April May . June July August . .. September October . November December Totals Balance to new account. Paid Out Interest Calculations ,. .Rule.-Multiply the principal by as many one-hundredths as there are days, and then divide as toflows: Per c

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Last time updated on 01/01/2020

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