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    15795 research outputs found

    Bridging corporate social responsibility and affective organizational commitment: The moderated mediation effect of organizational identification and sense of community

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    Existing literature highlights Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an important antecedent to employee work attitudes, such as Affective Organizational Commitment (AOC). However, no widely accepted model for exploring how CSR affects AOC yet exists. Based on Social Identity Theory and the conceptual framework of Sense of Community, we posit that membership-related processes (i.e., employees’ identification and sense of community with the organization) play a crucial role in explaining the impact of CSR on employee AOC. First, we hypothesize that the indirect effect of CSR on employee AOC is mediated through organizational identification (OI). Then, we suggest that such an effect is also moderated by community organization sense of community (COSOC). The proposed model was tested on a sample of employees (N = 354) from Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The results of the conditional process analysis and the bootstrap method for indirect effects indicate that the overall indirect effect of CSR on AOC through OI is conditionally dependent on COSOC levels, so it is stronger for employees with a higher perception of COSOC. In particular, we suggest the relationship between OI and AOC is stronger among employees with higher perceptions of COSOC, than among employees with lower COSOC levels.

    Socio-psychological perspectives on climate-related migration: A systematic review and research agenda

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    There have been multiple calls to examine the links between climate change and migration across different fields. This article reviews climate-related migration from a socio-psychological perspective. It examines the topics covered in existing literature, the geographical distribution of studies, and the theoretical and methodological frameworks adopted. A systematic search in peer-reviewed databases was conducted, following PRISMA guidelines and covering studies published until 2 June 2023. Peer-reviewed articles focusing on human climate-related migration, reporting empirical data, and addressing socio-psychological dimensions and/or approaches were included. In total, 25 studies were analysed. Results suggested an increasing interest in the topic in the last decade and that most studies focused on internal migrants. From a methodological perspective, we found a lack of studies using critical and participatory methodologies. Additionally, our narrative synthesis suggested that: socio-political and climate vulnerabilities are intertwined; dimensions of place attachment and sense of community are key in explaining how people deal with climate change and decide to remain or to migrate; communities affected by climate change and climate-related migration face health and well-being challenges. Finally, a few studies suggested the importance of looking at public attitudes towards climate migrants and recognising climate justice dimensions in climate migration. We critically discuss these and other results and possible avenues for future research in the fields of social and community psychology

    Riforme, ordini et provisioni per li Stati d'Abruzzo di Margarita d'Austria del 1571. La tradizione manoscritta

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    ItLo studio vuole dar conto di due sconosciuti manoscritti conservati nell'Archivio Farnesiano dell'Archivio di Stato di Napoli che si aggiungono ai tre già noti e confezionati per Penne, Campli e Cittaducale. Si tratta di esemplari de Riforme, ordini et provisioni emanate, dopo ampia ponderazione, nel 1571 e negli anni successivi da Margherita d'Austria, figlia naturale di Carlo V, duchessa di Penne e di numerosi altri feudi Abruzzesi e non. Le riforme rientrano nel più ampio progetto delle relazioni intavolate dalla duchessa per la disciplina delle attribuzioni dei diversi organi locali e relativi ufficiali e dei loro emolumenti nel quadro del governo delle terre del composito "Stato" farnesiano d'Abruzzo. I cinque manoscritti furono compilati per le rispettive terre all'interno di un omogeneo disegno politico-amministrativo e, di conseguenza, scritturistico. Viene criticamente fornita la descrizione 'esterna' nelle loro caratteristiche peculiari (stato di conservazione, legatura, filigrana, fascicolazione e cartulazione, tipo di scrittura, differenze tra i manoscritti). In appendice si fornisce l'indice con il rinvio alle carte di ciascuno dei cinque manoscritti, messi a confronto, in riferimento ai singoli ordini o tavole di ciascuna località. Lo studio si inserisce nel più ampio programma, perseguito dall'Autore sin dal 2002, di scavo archivistico, di identificazione ed edizione con la relativa analisi della documentazione medievale e moderna di Penne e dei feudi medicei e poi farnesiani.EnThe study aims to account for two unknown manuscripts preserved in the Farnesiano Archive of the State Archives of Naples which are added to the three already known and packaged for Penne, Campli and Cittaducale. These are examples of reforms, orders and provisions issued, after extensive consideration, in 1571 and in the following years by Margaret of Austria, natural daughter of Charles V, Duchess of Penne and numerous other Abruzzo and non-Abruzzo fiefdoms. The reforms are part of the broader project of the reports initiated by the Duchess for the regulation of the duties of the various local bodies and related officials and their emoluments in the framework of the governance of the lands of the composite Farnesian "State" of Abruzzo. The five manuscripts were compiled for the respective lands within a homogeneous political-administrative and, consequently, scriptural design. The "external" description is critically provided in their peculiar characteristics (state of conservation, binding, watermark, collation and cartulation, type of writing, differences between the manuscripts). The index is provided in the appendix with a reference to the papers of each of the five manuscripts, compared, in reference to the individual orders or tables of each location. The study is part of the broader program, pursued by the Author since 2002, of archival excavation, identification and edition with the related analysis of the medieval and modern documentation of Penne and of the Medici and then Farnese fiefdoms

    Freedom and the Illiberal Zeitgeist in East-Central Europe - a Conflict-Laden Relationship

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    For Editorial Abstract is not mandator


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    La romanizzazione del Veneto. Dinamiche di trasformazione culturale e sociale dai corredi funerari tardo lateniani con strumenti agro-pastorali

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    EnA distinctive phenomenon of the La Tène culture in Northern Italy is the inclusion of tools primarily related to the agro-pastoral sphere in funerary assemblages. In Veneto, the Cenomani facies is strongly evident in the area around Verona and in the rural regions around Este. These contexts, dating from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century BC, clearly illustrate the process of Romanisation within these communities. Initially, the military component is prominent, but from the 1st century BC onwards, there is a shift towards representing the deceased in a "civilian" capacity. Black-glazed ceramics, coins, and from the Augustan age onwards, glass balsamaria start to appear. As the communities near Verona and Este underwent changes, there was a notable decrease in the presence of agro-pastoral tools. These tools are observed in limited quantities until the early 1st century AD, but with a likely ideological shift. Initially, their association with rich grave goods probably indicated control over agricultural production and thus a prominent status for the deceased. Later, these tools may have become more associated with the civilian life of the Roman citizen, in a region that had now officially become part of the Roman Empire.ItFenomeno peculiare della cultura La Tène dell'Italia settentrionale è la presenza di strumenti pertinenti principalmente alla sfera agro-pastorale nei corredi funerari. In Veneto la facies cenomane caratterizza fortemente il Veronese e le aree rurali attorno al centro di Este. Questi contesti, databili tra il II sec. a.C. e il I sec. a.C., mostrano chiaramente il processo di romanizzazione di queste comunità. Se inizialmente la componente militare risulta evidente, già dal I sec. a.C. si osserva una tendenza a rappresentare il defunto in veste "civile". Compaiono ceramiche a vernice nera, monete e, a partire dall'età augustea, balsamari in vetro. In una dinamica di cambiamento delle comunità dell'area veronese e della bassa padovana, si osserva una netta diminuzione della presenza degli attrezzi agro-pastorali. La loro seppur limitata presenza si osserva fino all'inizio del I sec. d.C., ma con un probabile cambio ideologico. Se dapprima la loro associazione a ricchi corredi doveva segnalare il controllo della produzione agricola e quindi una posizione di rilievo dei defunti, in seguito gli attrezzi appaiono forse ricollegati alla vita civile del cittadino romano, in una regione ormai ufficialmente entrata a far parte dei domini di Roma


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    Una storia che non dovrà mai ripetersi. Per una didattica della memoria

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    Recensioni e Segnalazioni

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    Perle di qualità? La dazione ai fini dell'acquisto tra utilità delle parti e atipicità negoziale

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    EnIn Ulpian's text about the delivery of some pearls with the purpose of their evaluation (D. the jurist answers the question concerning risk of damage or loss of the item according to the principle of utility. This paper aims to analyse this source considering similar Digest texts in order to verify which effects this principle has on the datio ad inspiciendum. Based on the results, this paper also aims to integrate this case within the atypical agreements.DeIn der ulpianischen Stelle über die Übergabe einiger Perlen zum Zweck deren Bewertung (D. wird die vom Juristen aufgeworfene Frage über die Gefahr des Untergangs der Sache gemäss des 'Utilitätsgedankens' beantwortet. Dieser Beitrag zielt auf die Exegese dieser Quelle in Verbindung mit analogen Digestentexten, um zu prüfen, welche Wirkung dieses Prinzip auf die datio ad inspiciendum hat. Darüber hinaus wird versucht, anhand der Ergebnisse diesen Tatbestand innerhalb der atypischen Vereinbarungen einzugliedern


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