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    Etude rétrospective sur l'utilisation de l'IRAP par voie intralésionelle dans le traitement des tendinopathies chez le cheval

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    La cicatrisation suite à une tendinopathie ou une desmopathie est un paramètre déterminant pour la carrière d un cheval. Afin d améliorer la rapidité de celle-ci et la fonctionnalité du tissu cicatriciel, de nouvelles thérapies sont actuellement testées. Ainsi, un échantillon, réunissant des chevaux de course comme de selle qui présentaient des lésions de localisation et d ancienneté diverses, ont pu être traités par injection intra lésionnelle d IRAP puis suivis au CISCO.NANTES-Ecole Nat.Vétérinaire (441092302) / SudocTOULOUSE-EN Vétérinaire (315552301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A terminological “journey” in the Grey Literature domain

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    Includes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notesXAInternationa

    Transition to Open Access and its Implications on Grey Literature Resources

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    This paper describes the transition to Open Access and its implications on grey literature resources. In this paper we will present current Open Access models, known as “offsetting deals”, which main intention is to avoid “double dipping”. This part will also review the role of library consortia in this process, as well as current Open Access policies in Europe. The second part of this paper will explore the role of grey literature in transition process to Open Access. Grey literature is an important source of original research and up to date information, although the lack of peer review and formal publication standards must be taken into account during an evaluation process. Grey literature plays an important role in the rapid and timely distribution of in-depth, recent, scientific and technical information, and also provides access to a broad range of information and often contains new ideas. Research that is not published in journals but available in other formats (such as reports, theses or conference proceedings) is often more detailed, more recent and sometimes more rapidly disseminated. Due to the competitive and time consuming nature of publishing in peer-reviewed academic journals, some research may never make into journals and would, therefore, be inaccessible to interested parties without the grey literature. We will present possible ways of increasing the visibility of grey literature repositories, their inclusion in open access databases, and how to connect these institutional grey literature repositories with current research information systems.Includes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notesXAInternationa

    Teaching and Learning about Grey Literature: Results from a Poster Presented at the 18th Grey Literature Conference

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    Includes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notesXAInternationa

    Situation surrounding grey literature of academic research in Japan

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    In recent years, significant changes have been occurred to the environment surrounding the academic information distribution in Japan. In 2013, publishing of doctoral dissertations via the internet was obliged to authors. In 2015, Expert Panel on Open Science based on Global Perspectives, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan released the report named “Promoting Open Science in Japan”. In this report, they recommend to promote “Open Science”. Also, in 2008 a subject repository project named “Repository of Archaeological Reports” launched. To activate these movements about grey literature, it is important to support researchers in deepening their understanding about Open Science, and to cooperate with other section of university in order to build physical and technical support system for researchers.Includes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notesXAInternationa

    Analysis of National R and D Project Report Output Utilization and Economic Contribution

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    As the major developed countries of the world have realized the importance of open common information and its recycling, they have begun to seek a plan that will facilitate manipulation of common information. Despite development of the National R&D business and its quantitative increase in Korea, its practical use still remains at a lower level. Therefore, it is worthwhile to analyze practical use and economic contribution in order to achieve higher profits. There are two purposes of this study. The first purpose is to draw a conclusion by analyzing/investigating the practical uses of the National R&D Reports, and the second purpose is to evaluate economic contributions by the National R&D Reports. These are possible by manipulating the improved quantitative/qualitative indicator designated to evaluate the economic contributional aspect of the National R&D Reports. The degree of outcome measurement for the National R&D Reports was investigated through science and technology workers in both the field and the academic world. The results of this investigation show that the average time of use for the total National R&D Reports is 6.3 years and average monthly reference occurs 9.2 times. Additionally, results showed that researchers spend an average of 11.6 hours per month using the reports. Moreover, the proportion of the National R&D Reports in Collection of Science and Technology Information, the importance of the National R&D Reports in Practical Science and Technology Information, and the proportion of the National R&D Reports in Quotation Science and Technology Information are considered between 'average' and 'slightly higher than average.' The results of the investigation/ analysis for usefulness of the National R&D Reports show that the quality of content, the quality of the system, the satisfaction, and the utility are recorded as 'slightly higher than average' and 'high.' These results demonstrate that users of the National R&D Reports consider these reports to be an important resource. The results of the investigation/ analysis for the preservation value of the National R&D Reports indicate 83.2% positive opinion about preserving this report. Therefore, KISTI should preserve National R&D Reports at the national level. The results of the investigation/ analysis for the demand of National R&D Reports show that the intention to use the system records falls between 'slightly higher than average' and 'high.' These results address the high number of users who intend to keep using the National R&D Reports. The results of the investigation/ analysis for the economic contribution of the National R&D Reports show that value for practical use, value of common ownership, and contributional value— which are all qualitative indicators, respectively—fall between 'slightly higher than average' and 'high' on the scale. These results show that the users of the National R&D Reports consider it of high economic value. The usefulness value of the National R&D Reports is 2.908won for a piece of information, and the total usefulness value of the National R&D Reports thus far is 1.713 hundred million won; the reports are estimated to hold 15.5 times the economic value over the cost. The payment value of the National R&D Reports is 2,156won for a piece of information, and the total payment value of the National R&D Reports thus far is 1,270 hundred million won; the reports are estimated to hold 11.5 times the economic value over the cost. Compared to other domestic and foreign information services’ estimation for the economic contribution—which has only recorded estimates of 3 to 9 times the value rate—the construction of these National R&D Reports is currently economically effective for businesses and is also expected to be economically feasible for businesses in the future.Includes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notesXAInternationa

    Move beyond text – How TIB manages the digital assets researchers generate

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    The supply, use and significance of non-textual materials is steadily increasing in the areas of research and teaching. Digital assets like scientific videos, 3D objects and research data are highly relevant in order to make science reproducible. Yet, they often present a lack of appropriate metadata, unique identification, and long-term preservation, remaining beyond the relevant and journalbased scientific publication system. The TIB has established a competence centre for non-textual materials in order to improve the access and the use of those digital assets. As a use case of a service for scientific videos the TIB|AV-Portal is presented. Further best practices are also discussed.Includes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notesXAInternationa

    Public Interest in Accessing the INIS Collection

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    Since its creation in 1970, the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) has collected and provided access to more than 3.8 million bibliographic references to publications, documents, technical reports, non-copyrighted documentation, and other grey literature, as well as over a million full texts. Overall, there are 800 GB of data in the INIS repository. Public interest in accessing this collection has been remarkable. This year alone, there were more than one million sessions and almost two million page views. During the same period, there were 1.6 million full text document downloads. The INIS collection consists of seven types of literature – computer media, patents, books, reports, journal articles, miscellaneous and audio-visuals. This paper provides an overview of the INIS collection subject coverage, and the distribution of different types of grey literature. It also provides INIS repository access statistics based on Google Analytics and other Web search data pertaining to public interest in accessing these different types of literature and the uniqueness of the collection. As one of the world's largest collections of published information on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, INIS represents an extraordinary example of world cooperation. 154 INIS members share and allow access to their valuable nuclear information resources, preserving them for future generations and offering a freely available nuclear knowledge repository.Includes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notesXAInternationa

    Scientific audiovisual materials and linked open data: the TIB perspective

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    Libraries are starting to use Linked Open Data (LOD) to provide their data (library data) for reuse and to enrich them. However, most initiatives are only available for textual resources, whereas non-textual resources stay aside. Firstly, this paper discusses the potential of library data to be published as LOD. Secondly, it focuses on the library data related to the management of audiovis-ual scientific materials in the TIB|AV-Portal. The use LOD Standards to support multilingual func-tionalities and data reuse is outlined. Future developments lead to the building of semantic applica-tions based on LOD StructuresIncludes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notesXAInternationa

    Library as Publisher: Convergence of New Forms and Roles of Textual and Non-Textual Grey Literature in Digital Scholarship

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    Special Collections and University Archives typically constitute libraries’, an organizations’ or institutions’ treasured assets. As libraries assume greater responsibilities for the curation and preservation of resources, they also become indispensable in issuing, publishing, releasing, and making original content accessible in digital formats, while the “born digital” content grows. Managing online content creation, in addition to handling traditional textual content shifts libraries into new roles based out of necessity and costconstraints. With the dominance and reliance of electronic information now the status quo, the library’s role as publisher has become increasingly important. Hosting and creating original content in partnership with other institutional networks harnesses the collaborative power of libraries by reducing operating expenses and increasing the availability of materials to any user with an Internet connection. Although it is often thought that more non-textual resources will tend to become increasingly grey, our experience indicates the contrary. Libraries strive to make such resources less grey than originally anticipated. The increased success in finding resources or content provides better identification and classification for sources that may not have been discovered initially with little to no metadata. The impact on library collections affirms the institutional mission of teaching, research and service by celebrating and honoring the memory of historical snapshots and experiences that would be otherwise forgotten or difficult to find or document. There are many challenges in this trend including scalability and sustainability, plus financial or business models that influence levels of output and innovation. This paper will highlight examples of the convergence of textual to non-textual content by showcasing different levels of library publishing and artifact models that celebrate and include a variety of library and organizational hosted published resources on different scales. The path of convergence is intertwined but blends new publishing potential, enhanced value and best practices with outputs that are defined more through textuality and new publishing models than by hues of grey.Includes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notesXAInternationa


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