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<Articles>Poor Harvest in the Tonami Plain during the Tenmei Period in the Late 18th Century
18世紀後半の天明期(1781〜89)には,日本各地が食糧危機に見舞われた。それを経験した,越中国西部に広がる砺波平野の富農宮永正運は,「農業に励みさえすれば,食糧危機は避けられる」のような見解をもっていた。小稿の課題は,彼が著した農書『私家農業談』を足がかりにしながら,砺波平野が見舞われた凶作の実態をとらえたうえで,彼の農業観の是非を問うことである。その要点は,次のとおりである。まず,凶作の主因は,天明3年7月10・11日に起こった水害であった。水害は,たしかに大雨が引き金となっていた。だが,河川の上流部では木々が伐り出されていたことから,山の地盤は緩み,石や砂が川に流れ落ちていた。そのため,川底が高くなり,ひとたび雨が降れば増水する危険性が高まっていたのである。このような状況下で大雨が降ったことが,水害を誘発させたといえる。けれども,山の開発や大雨が,水害の根本的な原因とは言いきれない。イネ(稲)の品種に注目してみると,主として晩稲が作付けされており,それが水害に遭った。ところが,仮に早稲が植えられていれば,水害を免れることができたのである。よって,晩稲が作付けされていたことが,水害の根本的な原因といえる。さらに,小農の農業経営に注目してみると,肥料としては,イワシ(鰯)を乾燥させた干鰯が用いられていた。もちろん,ウマ(馬)を飼えば厩肥を手に入れることができる。けれども,農民層分解が進んでいる現状では,資産の少ない小農はウマを飼うことができず,やむなく干鰯を購入せざるをえない。さらにイワシが不漁だったので,必然的に干鰯代が高くなり,手痛い出費も増えてしまった。このような点に,小農が抱えていた農業経営のジレンマをみてとることができる。以上をふまえると,宮永正運の農業観は,稲作・水害・農業経営の視点からみれば,誤りだったと評すことができる。During the Tenmei period in the late 18th century (1781-1789), numerous regions of Japan experienced a food crisis. Miyanaga Shoun, an agronomist from the Tonami Plain, expressed his concerns regarding this crisis and wrote a book on farming titled “Shika Nogyodan” (Private Agricultural Discourse) to raise awareness regarding poor harvests and famines. “Shika Nogyodan” shed light on the circumstances surrounding the poor harvests in the Tonami Plain during that period. The poor harvest was caused by a flood that occurred on July 10-11 in Tenmei 3 (1783). The flood was triggered by heavy rainfall. However, owing to deforestation in the upper reaches of the rivers, sediment flowed into the rivers, thereby increasing the risk of river flooding whenever it rained. Thus, heavy rain in these circumstances could be the fundamental cause of the flood. Furthermore, upon examining the agricultural management, it becomes apparent that “Hyakusyo” (cultivators) with limited assets were unable to raise livestock, and therefore, could not obtain a self-produced fertilizer known as “kyuhi” (barnyard manure). Consequently, they had no choice but to purchase “hoshika” (dried sardines), which were expensive because of poor fishing yields, thus adding to the financial pressures of their agricultural operations. This was considered to contribute to the poor harvests as well
Open Journal Systems (OJS)の紹介 --学術誌『RPG 学研究』(JARPS)を例に--
研究者の歩きかたセミナー 「大学発ジャーナルの DX に向けた連続セミナー」第2回日時: 2024年6月27日(木)15:00-16:00講師: ビョーン=オーレ・カム (京都大学大学院文学研究科)司会: 北村 由美 (京都大学附属図書館研究開発室)参加者数: 約65名共済: 紀要編集者ネットワーク; 京都⼤学図書館機構; 京都⼤学学術研究展開センター(KURA); 研究・イノベーション学会⼤学経営研究懇談会協力: オープンアクセスリポジトリ推進協会(JPCOAR
A Note on Ordinally Concave Functions
The notion of ordinal concavity of utility functions has recently been considered by Hafalir, Kojima, Yenmez, and Yokote in economics while there exist earlier related works in discrete optimization and operations research. In the present note we consider functions satisfying ordinal concavity and introduce a weaker notion of ordinal weak-concavity as well. We also investigate useful behaviors of ordinally (weak-)concave functions and related choice correspondences, show a characterization of ordinally weak-concave functions, and give an efficient algorithm for maximizing ordinally concave functions. We further examine a duality in ordinally (weak-)concave functions and introduce the lexicographic composition of ordinally weak-concave functions
京都大学新制・課程博士博士(農学)甲第25332号農博第2598号新制||農||1105(附属図書館)京都大学大学院農学研究科応用生命科学専攻(主査)教授 小川 順, 教授 栗原 達夫, 教授 菅瀬 謙治学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Agricultural ScienceKyoto UniversityDFA
京都大学新制・課程博士博士(人間・環境学)甲第25385号人博第1127号新制||人||262(附属図書館)京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科相関環境学専攻(主査)教授 内本 喜晴, 教授 田部 勢津久, 教授 藤原 直樹, 教授 雨澤 浩史学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Human and Environmental StudiesKyoto UniversityDFA
京都大学新制・課程博士博士(エネルギー科学)甲第25394号エネ博第473号新制||エネ||88(附属図書館)京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科エネルギー基礎科学専攻(主査)教授 石澤 明宏, 教授 中村 祐司, 教授 稲垣 滋学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Energy ScienceKyoto UniversityDFA
シナ=チベット系諸言語の文法現象6: 類型論と史的変化
NOHARA Masaki and IKEDA Takumi (eds.)Most of the articles in this volume are based on talks at the 55th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL-55) held from September 15th to 18th, 2022.野原将揮, 池田巧編Preface [i]Contents [iii]Egophoricity and Mirativity in Kaike/ Honda Isao [1]Differences between ‘Lacid’ and ‘Leqi’/ Sawada Hideo [33]The origin of the Manau dance: A folktale text in Jinghpaw/ Kurabe Keita [55]Suprasegmental features of Lamo and its sister languages: With reference to Kansai Japanese/ Suzuki Hiroyuki, Tashi Nyima, Sonam Wangmo, Tsering Samdrup [67]Shaping rGyalthangic: A historical account of Yunnan Khams/ Suzuki Hiroyuki [87]A Geolinguistic Approach to nDrapa Dialectology/ Shirai Satoko, Huang Yang [109]Some Grammatical Features of Luzu/ Ikeda Takumi [125]Sweet Memories of Fieldwork in the pre-Computer Era/ James A. Matisoff [259]殷商汉语数量表达研究 --兼论汉语个体量词的来源/ 户内 俊介 [145]内陆闽语非南朝吴语直系后代说/ 沈 瑞清, 盛 益民 [225]闽东方言泰顺蛮讲的否定词/ 黄, 沉默 [243]上古漢語“有”“無”非無指代詞芻議/ 林 智 [177]淺談漢代東部、北部方言的動態變化/ 松江 崇 [197]上古漢語“也”“殹”“旃 ”的地理分佈及其演變補論/ 宮島 和也 [213
Caring, Needs, and Empathy
To provide good care, we must understand the needs of others; for this, an operation of the mind, empathy is essential. In terms of caring, needs are its object and empathy is an indispensable means. However, the interrelationships among them still remain to be examined. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to comprehensively investigate concepts such as caring, needs, and empathy, and their legitimate interrelation. My investigation comprised three phases: First, the multiple layers of caring were distinguished. Caring has a fundamental dimension of respect for others, which is desirable in virtually all human relationships, and serves to establish smooth relationships. In addition, caring has multiple layers according to the situation or relationship with other persons. These views of caring sometimes conflict with each other; however, carers or aid-supporters accumulate considerable experience before they come to entertain a “intermixed point of view, ” and to be able to provide tailored cares suitable for the particular context. Second is the analysis of the concept of “needs.” Although needs are regarded as crucial in nursing and educational theories, the concept of needs has not been adequately analyzed. Therefore, in this paper, while critically examining the concept of needs proposed by Nel Noddings, I consider what needs are in the context of providing good care and how they are grasped. As some philosophers like Michael Bratman have stated, humans are not only urged by shortsighted desires but also have long-term, planned visions, especially to which our attention is to be paid. In addition, we seem unconscious of some of these needs. Helpers are required to extract them and make them more accessible through conversation. Third is the classification of the concepts of “empathy.” Empathy is an essential operation of the mind in caring, specifically in grasping the desires of others. However, the concept is so obscure and varied that empathy is often said to have the same number of meanings as its proponents. To untangle this situation, I shall classify its various operations for a deeper comprehension of caring: When do these empathetic operations do good or harm to caring? I differentiate “sympathy” and “empathy, ” and then make two subdivisions of empathy: “cognitive” and “emotive.” These three operations play their own role in caring. My emphasis in caring is very much on “cognitive empathy, ” while “emotive empathy” increases the risk of helpers’ mental exhaustion or even burnout. Therefore, I conclude that it is desirable for carers or helpers to develop cognitive empathy and refrain from emotive empathy