202372 research outputs found
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<Articoli>Un'analisi dei caratteri e della finalità narrativa del sogno del «Corbaccio»
Questo articolo è la traduzione italiana con alcune modifiche di un altro articolo omonimo, già pubblicato in giapponese, in «Studi Italici», vol. LXXI, 2021, pp. 29-50
京都大学新制・論文博士博士(医学)乙第13526号論医博第2272号新制||医||1062(附属図書館)京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻(主査)教授 濵﨑 洋子, 教授 遊佐 宏介, 教授 篠原 隆司学位規則第4条第2項該当Doctor of Medical ScienceKyoto UniversityDFA
京都大学新制・課程博士博士(理学)甲第24310号理博第4880号新制||理||1698(附属図書館)京都大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻(主査)教授 曽田 貞滋, 准教授 渡辺 勝敏, 教授 中務 真人学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of ScienceKyoto UniversityDFA
Grain refinement in titanium prevents low temperature oxygen embrittlement
結晶粒超微細化により、酸素に起因したチタンの低温脆性を克服 --悪者とされてきた不純物酸素の有効利用に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-02-01.Interstitial oxygen embrittles titanium, particularly at cryogenic temperatures, which necessitates a stringent control of oxygen content in fabricating titanium and its alloys. Here, we propose a structural strategy, via grain refinement, to alleviate this problem. Compared to a coarse-grained counterpart that is extremely brittle at 77 K, the uniform elongation of an ultrafine-grained (UFG) microstructure (grain size ~ 2.0 µm) in Ti-0.3wt.%O is successfully increased by an order of magnitude, maintaining an ultrahigh yield strength inherent to the UFG microstructure. This unique strength-ductility synergy in UFG Ti-0.3wt.%O is achieved via the combined effects of diluted grain boundary segregation of oxygen that helps to improve the grain boundary cohesive energy and enhanced dislocation activities that contribute to the excellent strain hardening ability. The present strategy will not only boost the potential applications of high strength Ti-O alloys at low temperatures, but can also be applied to other alloy systems, where interstitial solution hardening results into an undesirable loss of ductility
Murine breast cancers disorganize the liver transcriptome in a zonated manner
がんが宿主の臓器に及ぼす悪影響を捉えた --がんをもつ個体における「肝機能の空間的制御」の破綻--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-02-01.The spatially organized gene expression program within the liver specifies hepatocyte functions according to their relative distances to the bloodstream (i.e., zonation), contributing to liver homeostasis. Despite the knowledge that solid cancers remotely disrupt liver homeostasis, it remains unexplored whether solid cancers affect liver zonation. Here, using spatial transcriptomics, we thoroughly investigate the abundance and zonation of hepatic genes in cancer-bearing mice. We find that breast cancers affect liver zonation in various distinct manners depending on biological pathways. Aspartate metabolism and triglyceride catabolic processes retain relatively intact zonation patterns, but the zonation of xenobiotic catabolic process genes exhibits a strong disruption. The acute phase response is induced in zonated manners. Furthermore, we demonstrate that breast cancers activate innate immune cells in particular neutrophils in distinct zonated manners, rather than in a uniform fashion within the liver. Collectively, breast cancers disorganize hepatic transcriptomes in zonated manners, thereby disrupting zonated functions of the liver
A -analogue of multiple zeta values and its application to number theory (Various aspects of integrable systems)
Kultur- und Sprachgeschichte im austronesischen Sprachraum (Nr.2)
その1 イースター島のロンゴロンゴRongorongo --ポリネシアの書記言語 (前稿)その2 オーストロネシア語圏の神話 (本稿)その3 日本語の起源 (次稿
A Case of Long-Term Survival Following Multidisciplinary Therapy for Small Intestinal Metastasis of Bladder Cancer
The patient was a 70-year-old man who underwent transurethral resection of a bladder tumor. The pathological diagnosis was urothelial carcinoma (UC) with sarcomatoid variant, ≧pT2. After neoadjuvant chemotherapy using gemcitabine and cisplatin (GC), radical cystectomy was performed. The histopathological diagnosis was no tumor remnant (ypT0ypN0). Seven months later, the patient underwent an emergency partial ileectomy for ileal occlusion, after sudden complaints of vomiting and abdominal pain and fullness. Postoperatively, two cycles of adjuvant GC chemotherapy were administered. Approximately 10 months after ileal metastasis, a mesenteric tumor appeared. After seven cycles of methotrexate/epirubicin/nedaplatin and 32 cycles of pembrolizumab therapy, the mesentery was resected. The pathological diagnosis was UC with sarcomatoid variant. No recurrence was noted for 2 years after resection of the mesentery
Synthesis of trans-1,2-dimetalloalkenes through reductive anti-dimagnesiation and dialumination of alkynes
単純分子から有用物質を短工程で製造可能に --炭素と金属を結ぶ新しい方法により合成効率の飛躍的向上へ--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-01-04.Polar reactive organometallic species have been key reagents in synthesis for more than a century. Stereodefined 1, 2-dimetallated alkenes offer promising synthetic utility; however, few methods are available for their preparation due to their relatively low stability. Here we report the reductive anti-1, 2-dimetallation of alkynes to stereoselectively generate trans-1, 2-dimagnesio- and 1, 2-dialuminoalkenes, which are stable and have been demonstrated in organic synthesis. These stereodefined 1, 2-dimetallated alkenes are prepared through the use of a sodium dispersion as a reducing agent, and organomagnesium and organoaluminium halides as reduction-resistant electrophiles. Highly nucleophilic 1, 2-dimagnesioalkenes serve as dual Grignard reagents and have been demonstrated to react with various electrophiles to afford anti-difunctionalized alkenes. The 1, 2-dialuminoalkenes react with paraformaldehyde with dearomatization of the aryl moieties to form the corresponding dearomatized 1, 4-diols, with the overall reaction being regarded as alkynyl-directed dearomatization of arenes. X-ray crystallographic analysis further supports the formation of trans-1, 2-dimagnesio- and 1, 2-dialuminoalkenes, with computational studies providing insight into the mechanism of dearomative difunctionalization