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    Is mass correlated with length among red millipedes Centrobolus Cook, 1897?

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    CITATION: Cooper, M. I. 2023. Is mass correlated with length among red millipedes Centrobolus Cook, 1897?. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 18 (1):5Pages.The original publication is available at: munisentzool.orgBody mass variation was correlated with male and female length in the red millipede genus Centrobolus. Mass and length (r=0.86, Z score=2.87, n=8, p<0.01) in males (r=0.97, Z score=2.99, n=5, p<0.01) and females (r=0.96, Z score=2.72, n=5, p<0.01) were correlated. C. inscriptus females have the largest length (67.4 mm) and the highest mass (2.61 g) while C. digrammus has the shortest length (49.9 mm) and the lightest mass (0.68 g).Publisher’s versio

    The highest daily hours of sunshine are related to longitude across the distribution of pill millipedes Sphaerotherıum Brandt, 1833.

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    CITATION: Cooper, M. I. 2023. The highest daily hours of sunshine are related to longitude across the distribution of pill millipedes Sphaerotherıum Brandt, 1833. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 18 (1):3 Pages.The original publication is available at: munisentzool.orgThe objectives of this study were to determine what happened when Sexual Size Dimorphism (SSD) and body size changed with an eco-geographical factor. The highest daily hours of sunshine were correlated with latitude and longitude in the forest millipede genus Sphaerotherium. There was a correlation between the highest daily hours of sunshine and longitude (r=-0.88574162, Z score=-2.80361409, n=7, p=0.00252673). Eco-geographical variance in the polygynandrous reproductive systems occurs with larger females and higher SSD occurring in darker conditions.Publisher’s versio

    Socially Desirable Responding: A Cognitive Process Perspective

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    Parties of pressure: Opposition parties in the dominant-party systems of Botswana and South Africa

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Democracy requires the participation of political parties to afford voters choice in terms of their representatives and to provide effective opposition. Opposition parties play an important role in keeping the ruling incumbents accountable, providing legitimacy to the system, encouraging political participation, and offering an alternative to the electorate. However, in many African multi-party democracies, opposition parties have been weak and, in some instances, weakened. In Southern Africa, the emergence of dominant-party systems has posed unique challenges to democratic competition and consolidation. It was therefore important to understand the functions opposition parties fulfil, the conditions they operate in, and the challenges they face in the dominant-party system context. Two Southern African case studies – Botswana and South Africa – were selected to investigate this. The study thus focused on how opposition parties remain relevant and the challenges they face in dominant-party systems. The concept of ‘remaining relevant’ was linked to democracy-supporting functions which included legitimising, electoral participation, and accountability functions. The study was a comparative case study and used key-informant interviews as well as a desktop literature review to conduct the research. The key-informant interviews were with prominent members of opposition parties. The interviews’ data were analysed using computer-assisted data analysis software (Atlas.ti) and thematic content analysis was used to identify themes in the data. The main findings were linked to the identified democracy-supporting functions and the challenges opposition parties experience in relation to these functions. In terms of legitimising functions, opposition parties attempt to educate people about democracy and provide an alternative to the ruling party. A challenge in relation to this was the delegitimisation of and the lack of trust in opposition parties. In relation to electoral participation functions, opposition parties were intent on providing viable alternatives to the electorate and the most important strategy that was identified was the mobilisation of the electorate. A challenge in the Botswanan case was the first-past-the-post (FPTP) electoral system which has favoured the ruling party. In the South African case, the electoral system was not identified as a challenge, but poor voter turnout and apathy were the key identified issues. Accountability functions were identified as central to opposition parties’ role in dominant-party systems. They also collaborate with one another and other civil society organisations to keep the ruling party accountable. A big challenge in Botswana is the discrepancies in resources between the ruling and opposition parties. In South Africa, negative perceptions about opposition parties were a big challenge. The study is significant because it sheds light on how opposition parties remain relevant in dominant-party systems. Opposition parties in the two cases are intent on providing viable alternatives and seek to win more power. For now, they operate as parties of pressure and are focused on a) contributing to the legitimacy of the democratic system; b) mobilizing the electorate and encouraging conventional participation; and c) holding the ruling party and government accountable. Thus, while constrained by the unlikely alternation in power, characteristic of dominant-party systems, these opposition parties still fulfil important democracy-supporting functions.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Demokrasie vereis die deelname van politieke partye om kiesers die keuse te gee rondom hulle verteenwoordigers en om effektiewe opposisie te bied. Opposisie partye speel ‘n belangrike rol om regerende bekleers aanspreeklik te hou, regmatigheid aan die stelsel te verskaf, politieke deelname aan te moedig, en ‘n alternatief aan die kiesers te bied. Tog, in baie multi-party demokrasiee in Afrika, is opposisie partye swak, en in sommige gevalle, verswak. In Suider-Afrika, het die opkoms van dominant-party sisteme unieke uitdagings vir demokratiese kompetisie en konsolidasie veroorsaak. Dit is dus belangrik om die funksies wat opposisie partye vervul, die kondisies waarin hulle funksioneer, en die uitdagings wat hulle ervaar in dominant-party stelsels te ondersoek. Twee Suider-Afrikaanse gevallestudies – Botswana en Suid-Afrika – is gebruik om dit te ondersoek. Die studie fokus op hoe opposisie partye relevant bly en die uitdagings wat hulle in dominant-party sisteme het. Die konsep ‘relevant bly’ is gekoppel aan demokrasie-steunende funksies wat regmatigheid, verkiesingsdeelname funksies, en verantwoordbaarheidsfunksies insluit. Die studie was ‘n vergelykende gevallestudie en het sleutel-informante onderhoude asook ‘n werkskerm literatuuroorsig gebruik om die navorsing te doen. Die sleutel-informante onderhoude was met prominente lede van opposisie partye. Die onderhoude se data is geanaliseer met die hulp van rekenaar-ondersteunde data analise sagteware (Atlas.ti) en tematiese inhoudsanalise is gebruik om temas in die data te identifiseer. Die belangrikste bevindinge is gekoppel aan die verskillende demorkasie-steunende funksies en uitdagings wat opposisie partye ervaar. In terme van regmatigheidsfunksies het opposisie partye gepoog om mense op te voed rondom demokrasie en om ‘n alternatief te bied tot die regerende party. ‘n Uitdaging in terme van hierdie was die delegitimisering van en die gebrek aan vertroue in opposisie partye. In terme van verkiesingsdeelname funksies was opposisie party gefokus om realistiese alternatiewe aan die kiesers te bied en die belangrikste strategie wat geïdentifieseerd is, is die mobilisering van die kiesers. In Botswana was die ‘first-past-the-post' (FPTP) kiesstelsel wat die regerende party bevoordeel, ‘n uitdaging. In die Suid-Afrikaanse geval, is die kiesstelsel nie geïdentifiseer as ‘n uitdaging nie, maar swak verkiesingsopkoms en apatie is geïdentifiseer as sleutel kwessies. Verantwoordbaarheidsfunksies is geïdentifiseer as sentraal tot opposisie partye se rol in dominant - party stelsels. Hulle werk ook met mekaar en burgerlike samelewingsorganisasies om die regerende party verantwoordbaar te hou. ‘n Groot uitdaging in Botswana is die ongelykhede in hulpbronne tussen die regerende en opposisie partye. In Suid-Afrika, is negatiewe persepsies rondom opposisie partye ‘n groot uitdaging. Die studie is belangrik omdat dit insig bied oor hoe opposisie partye poog om relevant te bly in dominant-party stelsels. Opposisie partye in die twee gevalle is gefokus om realistiese alternatiewe te bied en om meer mag te wen. Vir nou funksioneer hulle as partye van druk en fokus om a) by te dra tot die regmatigheid van die demokratiese stelsel; b) meer deelname aan te moedig; en c) om die regerende party en regering verantwoordbaar te hou. Dus, terwyl hulle beperk word deur die onwaarskynlike verandering in mag, ‘n eienskap van dominant-party stelsels, vervul hierdie opposisie partye steeds belangrike demokrasie-steunende funksies.Doctora

    Privacy as a common good in the age of big data

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    Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH SUMMARY: In this thesis, I support the claim that Big Data poses a significant threat to liberal democracy through its violation of citizens’ privacy and consequently argue that in order to address this threat, it is necessary to re-assess the way that we value privacy in a liberal society. Big Data's role in the erosion of liberal democracy has been increasingly raised in the media and the philosophical literature, but the precise role that violations of privacy play in undermining democracy is not always clearly spelt out. I unpack the claims made in this regard and show that the central issue here is that Big Data threatens democracy because of its unique ability to undermine citizens’ autonomy. I go on to show that it is able to do so thanks to its unprecedented large-scale and consistent invasions of privacy. That is to say, I show how, by invading privacy, Big Data can and does undermine autonomy. And as I will argue, without an autonomous citizenry, liberal democracy cannot thrive. Having made the argument that democracy is under threat because of Big Data’s erosion of autonomy through privacy-invasions, I go on to assess arguments for valuing privacy as a public good. I show the limitations that stem from viewing privacy as a public good, and I conclude that in the Age of Big Data, it is crucial that we view privacy as a common good instead. I argue that the traditional evaluation of privacy as an individual good is a central obstacle in the struggle to address privacyinvasions in the Age of Big Data. Hence, in order to protect our privacy and, ultimately, liberal democracy, we need to reconceive of the value of privacy.AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis onderskraag ek die bewering dat Goortdata ’n beduidende bedreiging vir die liberale demokrasie inhou deurdat dit burgers se privaatheid ondermyn. Verder voer ek aan dat hierdie bedreiging slegs aangespreek kan word indien ons die waarde wat ons in liberale samelewings aan “privaatheid” heg, in heroënskou neem. Alhoewel die rol van Grootdata in die wegkalwe van die demokrasie meer aandag in die media en in die filosofiese literatuur begin geniet, word die presiese rol wat privaatheidsoorskryding hier speel nog nie duidelik uitgestip nie. Ek bestudeer verskeie bewerings wat in hierdie verband gemaak word en wys dat die kern uitgangspunt is dat Grootdata ’n bedreiging vir die demokrasie inhou weens die ongeëwenaarde mate waartoe dit burgers se outonomie kan ondermyn. Ek wys dan dat hierdie vermoë voortspruit uit Grootdata se ongekende, grootskaalse en volgehoue privaatheidsoorskrydende praktyke. Dit is, ek wys hoe Grootdata, deur privaatheid te oorskry, outonomie ondermyn. Ek maak dan verder die argument dat liberale demokrasie nie kan floreer sonder ’n outonome burgery nie. Nadat ek vasgestel het dat Grootdata ’n bedreiging vir die demokrasie inhou deurdat dit, weens die oorskryding van burgers se privaatheid, outonomie ondermyn, evalueer ek argumente wat aanvoer dat privaatheid ’n gemeenskaplike bate is. Ek lig die beperkinge van hierdie benadering tot die waarde van privaatheid uit en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die Grootdata-era ons noop om privaatheid eerder as ’n openbare bate te beskou. Dus, ten einde ons privaatheid en, uiteindelik, liberale demokrasie te beskerm, moet ons herbesin oor die waarde van privaatheid.Master

    Improvement of unsignalized intersections faced with poor visibility weather conditions on South African regional routes

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    Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: When faced with poor visibility weather conditions such as thick fog and heavy rain, a driver may experience the feeling of uncertainty and discomfort when waiting to pull off to either cross or join a highspeed through road from a stationary position at a stop-controlled intersection. Poor visibility weather conditions have the ability to reduce the ability to correctly perceive speed and distance which proves difficult during pull off decision making, especially when vehicles approaching at highspeed become visible a lot closer to an intersection. This study has a focus on the improvement of unsignalized intersections faced with poor visibility weather conditions on South African regional routes. The study aimed to find an acceptable and implementable solution that would improve safety of road users by reducing the chance of collision. The solution should also improve the comfortability and certainty at an intersection when driving under poor visibility weather conditions while also maintaining the flow of through traffic and allowing the stationary vehicle to safely join the traffic. The study achieved the aims by collecting data for a solutions proposal. The data collection was carried out by selecting a study area from a fog and rain weather data analysis, performing a crash data analysis to validate the study problem and select intersections for traffic data observations that were later completed while also circulating a questionnaire for local residents that provided further validation of the existing study problem and provided insight into what local residents would view as an acceptable solution at dangerous intersections faced with poor visibility weather conditions in their area. The study concluded with a proposal that could be applied to any area that faces similar issues with poor visibility weather conditions and not just for the study area that was observed. The proposal acknowledged the challenges faced by regional route intersections (such as no access to a power supply, unlit, often poorly maintained and possibly budget constrained after the recent pandemic) and provided a range of solutions that could improve an intersection but ultimately, with further research, the proposed solution that would meet all aims of the included a hybrid model of a warning stop sign and an interactive stop sign that would be able to sense approaching vehicles and indicate to a stationary vehicle when it is safe to turn in a particular direction. Other key findings included the conclusion that drivers feel more discomfort and uncertainty at intersections under fog conditions compared to rain conditions and intersection approach speeds of vehicles are significantly decreased if a vehicle is waiting at a stop sign compared to when no vehicle is waiting at a stop sign.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer 'n bestuurder met swak sig weerstoestande soos digte mis en swaar reën gekonfronteer word, kan 'n bestuurder die gevoel van onsekerheid en ongemak ervaar wanneer daar gewag wordom weg te trek om óf oor te steek óf by 'n hoëspoed-deurpad aan te sluit vanaf 'n stilstaande posisie by 'n stop-beheerde kruising. Weerstoestande met swak sigbaarheid lei tot die verminderde vermoë om spoed en afstand korrek waar te neem, wat moeilik is tydens aftrekbesluitneming, veral wanneer voertuie wat teen hoë spoedbeweeg , baie nader aan 'n kruising sigbaar word. Hierdie studie fokus op die verbetering van ongeseinde kruisings wat gekonfronteer word met swak sigbaarheid weerstoestande op Suid-Afrikaanse streekroetes. Die studie het ten doel gehad om 'n aanvaarbare en implementeerbare oplossing te vind wat die veiligheid van padgebruikers sal verbeter deur die kans op botsing te verminder. Die oplossing moet ook die gemak en sekerheid by 'n kruising verbeter wanneer daar onder swak sigweerstoestande gery word, terwyl dit ook die vloei van deurgaande verkeer behou en die stilstaande voertuig toelaat om veilig by die verkeer aan te sluit. Die studie het die doelwitte bereik deur data vir 'n oplossingsvoorstel in te samel. Die data-insameling is uitgevoer deur 'n studiegebied uit 'n mis- en reënweerdata- analise te kies, 'n ongelukdata-analise uit te voer om die studieprobleem te valideer en kruisings te kies vir verkeersdatawaarnemings wat later voltooi is, terwyl 'n vraelys vir plaaslike inwoners gesirkuleer is om verdere validering van die bestaande studieprobleem te verskaf asook insig in wat plaaslike inwoners as 'n aanvaarbare oplossing sal beskou by gevaarlike kruisings wat gekonfronteer word met swak sigbaarheidsweerstoestande. Die studie is afgesluit met 'n voorstel wat toegepas kan word op enige gebied wat soortgelyke probleme ondervind met swak sigbaarheid weerstoestande en nie net vir die studie area wat waargeneem is nie. Die voorstel erken die uitdagings wat streekroete-kruisings in die gesig staar (soos geen toegang tot 'n kragtoevoer, onverligte, dikwels swak onderhou en moontlik begroting beperk na die onlangse pandemie) en het 'n reeks oplossings verskaf wat 'n kruising kan verbeter, maar uiteindelik, met verdere navorsing, die voorgestelde oplossing wat aan alle doelwitte van die sal voldoen insluitend 'n hibriede model van 'n waarskuwing- stopteken en 'n interaktiewe-stopteken wat in staat sal wees om naderende voertuie waar te neemen aan stilstaande voertuiguie aandui te dui wanneer dit veilig is om in 'n bepaalde rigting te draai. . Ander sleutelbevindinge sluit die gevolgtrekking in dat bestuurders meer ongemak en onsekerheid by kruisings onder mistoestande ervaar, in vergelyking met reëntoestande, en kruisingsbenaderingspoed van voertuie word aansienlik verminder wanneer 'n voertuig by 'n stopteken wag in vergelyking met wanneer geen voertuig by 'n stilhouplek wag nie.Master

    Social transformation through affirmation of human dignity : a case study of ‘Learn to Earn’

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Given South Africa’s humanitarian crisis, the intention was to explore a possible intervention to address the pervasive poverty and rapidly rising unemployment, by means of a practical theological study. The study aims to ascertain the contribution which spirituality in a Faith-Based Organisation (“FBO”) makes towards attaining social transformation through affirming human dignity. Throughout the study, ‘spirituality’ was given the meaning of the personal and relational side of the Christian faith, which shapes daily life. The evolution of the notion of ‘development’, as an undertaking intended to improve the lives of those experiencing material deprivation, was traced and it was noted how spirituality had long been excluded as a feature affecting the well-being of those to whom poverty upliftment was intended to be addressed. The study therefore argues in favour of a theological interpretation of development, known also as ‘transformation’, having its foundation in a kingdom of God theology with a focus on attaining ‘shalom’. Positioned within the discipline of Theology and Development, this qualitative research study selected a case study as its methodology, within an interpretive paradigmatic perspective, which incorporated the notion of self-reflexivity as an additional dimension of the data interpretation. The unit of analysis of the case study was the FBO, and an in-depth exploration was undertaken in order to understand the work of Learn to Earn (“LTE”), an FBO with an overtly Christian faith expression. LTE professes to focus on the whole person, including the spiritual dimension, in the course of providing skills training to formerly unemployed people in Khayelitsha, Cape Town and Zwelihle, Hermanus. Through empirical research, the integrated spirituality practices of LTE were explored in order to ascertain the extent of social transformation being experienced by its participants. The study’s findings were that the practice of spirituality within LTE resulted in the affirmation of human dignity of participants, in circumstances where there had been a focus on the imago Dei and where the kingdom of God was proclaimed holistically. The result was that ‘marred identities’ of impoverished people were healed as they recovered their true identity and vocation. As a consequence, the affirmation of human dignity through a recovery of vocation played a significant role in the participants overcoming powerlessness, caused by structural injustice. Through their own agency, they were able to escape poverty’s captivity and to progress towards shalom, whereby meaningful social transformation occurred. Based on the empirical evidence relating to the case study of LTE, it can be suggested that this FBO empowers those who are economically deprived, by assisting them to overcome powerlessness, through activating their agency, as their human dignity is affirmed and vocation subsequently recovered. It is suggested that the significant role of the FBO in development work is thereby evident. Recent interest in inclusion of spirituality within development discourse is thus to be welcomed as a beneficial addition to attaining social transformation.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gegewe Suid-Afrika se humanitere krisis, is die doel van die navorsing om 'n moontlike intervensie te ondersoek om die heersende armoede en vinnig stygende werkloosheid aan te spreek deur middel van 'n praktiese teologiese studie. Die studie het ten doel om vas te stel watter bydrae spiritualiteit in 'n Geloofsgebaseerde Organisasie (FBO) lewer tot sosiale transformasie deur die versterking van menswaardigheid. In die studie word die betekenis van “spiritualiteit” beskou as die persoonlike en relasionele sy van die Christelike geloof, wat die daaglikse lewe vorm. Die evolusie van die idee van “ontwikkeling” as onderneming met die doel om die lewens van diegene wat materiele ontbering ervaar, te verbeter, is nagevors. Dit was opmerklik dat spiritualiteit lank uitgesluit is as 'n aspek van ontwikkeling wat die welwees beinvloed van diegene tot wie armoede-opheffing gerig word. Die studie pleit dus vir 'n teologiese interpretasie van ontwikkeling, ook bekend as “transformasie”, met as grondslag 'n koninkryk van God-teologie met 'n fokus op die bereiking van shalom. Hierdie studie, wat geposisioneer is in die dissipline van Teologie en Ontwikkeling, is ‘n kwalitatiewe navorsingstudie, wat 'n gevallestudie as metodologie binne 'n interpretatiewe paradigmatiese perspektief gekies het. Die begrip van self-refleksie as 'n addisionele dimensie van die data-interpretasie, is geinkorporeer. Die eenheid van die gevallestudie wat ontleed is, is 'n FBO. 'n In-diepte verkenning is onderneem om die werk van Learn to Earn (LTE), 'n FBO met 'n openlike Christelike geloofsbenadering, te verstaan. LTE fokus op die hele mens, insluitend die geestelike dimensie, in die loop van die verskaffing van vaardigheidsopleiding aan voorheen werklose mense in Khayelitsha, Kaapstad, en Zwelihle, Hermanus. Deur empiriese navorsing is die geintegreerde spiritualiteitspraktyke van LTE ondersoek ten einde die omvang van sosiale transformasie wat deur die deelnemers ervaar word, vas te stel. Die studie se bevindinge is dat die beoefening van spiritualiteit binne LTE, waar gefokus is op die imago Dei en waar die koninkryk van God holisties verkondig is, tot die bevestiging van die menswaardigheid van deelnemers gelei het. Die gevolg was dat “geskende identiteite” van verarmde mense genees is namate hulle hul ware identiteit en roeping herwin het. Gevolglik het die bevestiging van menswaardigheid deur 'n herstel van roeping 'n beduidende rol gespeel sodat die deelnemers magteloosheid, veroorsaak deur strukturele onreg, te bowe gekom het. Deur hul eie agentskap kon hulle uit armoede ontsnap en na shalom beweeg, waardeur betekenisvolle sosiale transformasie plaasgevind het. Gebaseer op die empiriese bewyse wat verband hou met die gevallestudie van LTE, kan voorgestel word dat hierdie FBO diegene wat ekonomies benadeel is, bemagtig om magteloosheid te oorkom, deur die aktivering van hul agentskap, aangesien hul menswaardigheid bevestig word en roeping daarna herstel word. Daar word voorgestel dat die beduidende rol van die FBO in ontwikkelingswerk daardeur duidelik is. Die onlangse belangstelling in die insluiting van spiritualiteit in die ontwikkelingsdiskoers moet dus verwelkom word as 'n voordelige toevoeging tot die bereiking van sosiale transformasie.Doctora

    Die geskiedenis van Afrikaanse sosiale klubs in Suid-Afrika met spesiale fokus op die Maria van Riebeeck-klub en Klub Here Sewentien

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    Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study provides an in-depth view of the history and role of two selected Afrikaans social clubs in South Africa within the context of clubs as a social phenomenon. Social clubs are institutions that arouse the interest of the public. These clubs capture the attention of the public due to their exclusivity, as most traditional clubs were only accessible for the elite social classes. Traditional social clubs started in the 17th century in London as an exclusive social gathering place for the elites of society removed from the general public. The social club phenomenon has spread on a global level due to the expansion of the British Empire and general globalization. Social clubs, as they look today, only emerged in the middle of the 19th century in South Africa. South Africa has several well-known social clubs operating within the country, such as the Rand Club and the Durban Club. However, the global club model began to deteriorate during the early years of the 20th century due to the drastically changing socio-economic conditions and the growth of communication and transportation technologies that hampered the existence of social clubs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role played by Afrikaans social clubs in South Africa, as well as the prospects for the club regarding their survival and the functions they fulfil and continue to fulfil within the context of wider society. This study focuses on two unique Afrikaans social clubs, namely the "Klub Here Sewentien", which was a social club for Afrikaners in Cape Town during the mid-20th century, and the "Maria van Riebeeck-klub", a social club for Afrikaans-speaking women in the Johannesburg area. The "Klub Here Sewentien" succumbed to drastic changes in the socio-economic conditions in Cape Town during the 1990s. The same factors that led to the demise of traditional clubs were identical to the factors that caused "Klub Here Sewentien" to disband. On the other hand, the "Maria van Riebeeck-klub" still exists since they were able to adapt to the changing socioeconomic conditions. Currently, the traditional club phenomenon does not have a place in modern society, and this will remain the case if they refuse to adapt to the changes in the socioeconomic and political climate. However, the formation of new social clubs promoting equality and diversity is surging. The formation of these clubs is becoming increasingly popular within society, while archaic traditional clubs are struggling to adapt to the ever-changing society.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beoog om die geskiedenis en rol van twee geselekteerde Afrikaanse sosiale klubs in Suid-Afrika binne die konteks van klubs as ‘n sosiale verskynsel te bestudeer. Sosiale klubs is instellings wat die belangstelling van die algemene publiek wek. Dié klubs is ‘n aantrekkingskrag omdat die algemene publiek nie deel daarvan is, aangesien tradisionele sosiale klubs meerendeels vir die elite gedeelte van die samelewing voorsiening gemaak het. Die tradisionele sosiale klubs het tydens die 17de eeu in Londen tot stand gekom as ‘n sosiale bymekaarkomplek vir die elites van die samelewing weg van die algemene publiek. Die sosiale klubverskynsel het op ‘n globale vlak versprei tydens die van die uitbreiding van die Britse Ryk en die verskynsel is verder deur globalisering gestimuleer. Sosiale klubs, soos dit vandag daar uitsien, het eers teen die middel van die 19de eeu in Suid-Afrika begin posvat. Suid-Afrika het verskeie bekende sosiale klubs wat binne die land funksioneer, soos die Rand Club en die Durban Club. Die globale klubmodel het egter tydens die vroeë jare van die 20ste eeu begin taan weens die drastiese veranderende sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede en die groei van kommunikasie- en vervoertegnologieë wat die bestaan van sosiale klubs bemoeilik het. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die rol wat Afrikaanse sosiale klubs in Suid-Afrika gespeel het, asook die toekomsvooruitsigte vir die klubs met betrekking tot hul voortbestaan en die verdere funksies wat hulle vertolk of vertolk het binne die konteks van die breër samelewing. Die fokus is geplaas op twee unieke Afrikaanse sosiale klubs, naamlik die Klub Here Sewentien en die Maria van Riebeeck-klub. Eersgenoemde was ‘n sosiale klub vir Afrikaners in Kaapstad tydens die mid-20ste eeu. Laasgenoemde was ‘n sosiale klub vir Afrikaanssprekende vrouens van die Johannesburgse-omgewing. Die Klub Here Sewentien het weens die drastiese veranderende sosio-ekonomiese toestande van Kaapstad, begin ondergaan tydens die 1990’s. Dieselfde faktore wat die tradisionele klubs se ondergang beïnvloed het, het die van die Klub Here Sewentien beïnvloed. Terwyl die Maria van Riebeeck-klub steeds voortbestaan, weens die feit dat hul by die sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede kon aanpas. Die tradisionele klubverskynsel het nie meer ‘n plek in die moderne samelewing nie, oftewel nie terwyl hul weier om aan te pas nie. Nuwe vorme van sosiale klubs begin wel toeneem, dié klubs is gevorm op die basis van gelykheid en diversiteit. Dié vorm van klubs begin al hoe meer gewild raak onder die samelewing, terwyl die argaïese tradisionele klubs sukkel om aan te pas by die veranderende samelewing.Master

    Advances in pedestal substrate integrated waveguide filters

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    Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation presents a set of advances to the recently proposed Pedestal Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) structure as a solution to various problem areas in the field of microwave filters. The structure consists of an evanescent-mode SIW cavity that is loaded with a square pedestal connected to the ground with a metal post. This structure is firstly investigated and compared to other common microwave resonators. It is then utilized in 3 different ways. The work includes the design of a coupled resonator filter with both positive and negative cross-coupling. Electric coupling is obtained with an I-shaped line between pedestal tops, while positive coupling is obtained in the traditional manner with inductive irises. Both types of couplings offer large ranges of coupling values and are easily implemented in this structure. The proposed structure can also introduce mixed coupling. A proof-of-concept sixth order cross-coupled bandpass filter, with a 5 % bandwidth at 5 GHz, and both real and imaginary axis transmission zeros, is designed and measured. Secondly, the dissertation presents a novel partially air filled pedestal resonator. The pedestal SIW topology is adapted to create partially air filled pedestal SIW resonators to reduce losses and increase Q factors while maintaining small sizes. A comparison of three different types of pedestal resonators is done between a totally filled pedestal SIW resonator, a partially air-filled pedestal resonator and an empty pedestal resonator, show ing the increase in Q factor for the same size. Then the use of micro-machining to create these novel resonators is illustrated and explained. A resonator and second order filter prototypes are manufactured, using the manufacturing process explained, and tested. It was shown that the Q factor can be increased from 186 for a fully filled dielectric resonator to 285 for a partially air filled resonator. This shows a 34.7 % increase. The last application of the pedestal resonator is in the use of tunable structures. The pedestal resonator is shown to be made easily tunable by the addition of PIN diodes to the pedestal post, seperated with an annular ring. Four separate stages of frequency are obtained in this manner. Two resonators and one third order filter are designed, manufac tured and tested. Good frequency tunability is obtained in simulation and measurement, but high losses were observed in the measured prototypes.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling bied ’n aantal uitbreidings ann tot die onlangse voorgestelde voet stuk oppervlak geïntegreerde golfleier struktuur, as ’n oplossing vir verskeie probleemareas op die gebied van mikrogolffilters. Die struktuur bestaan uit ’n onder afsny holte wat ge vul is met ’n vierkantige voetstuk, gekonnekteer aan die grond met metaal. Eerstens is die struktuur ondersoek en vergelyk met ander algemene mikrogolfresoneerders. Daarna is dit op 3 verskillende maniere toegepas. Hierdie werk sluit die ontwerp van ’n gekoppelde resoneerder filter in met beide positiewe en negatiewe kruis-koppeling. Elektriese koppeling is bereik met ’n I-vormige lyn tussen die voetstuk toppe, terwyl positiewe koppeling op die tradisionele manier van induktiewe openinge bereik is. Beide tipe koppelings bied ’n wye reeks van koppelingwaardes en kan maklik geimplementeer word in hierdie struktuur. Die voorgestelde struktuur kan ook gemengde koppelings voorstel. Om die konsep te bewys is ’n sesde orde kruiskoppeling banddeurlaat filter met ’n 5% bandwydte teen 5 GHz is ontwerp en gemeet. Die verhandeling bied die nuwe gedeeltelike luggevulde voetstuk resoneerder aan. Die voetstuk oppervlak geïntegreerde golfleier topologie is aangepas om ’n gedeeltelike lugge vulde voetstuk oppervlak geïntegreerde golfleier resoneerder te maak om die verliese en toegevoegde Q faktore te verminder terwyl die kleiner vorm behou is. ’n Vergelyking van drie verskillende tipe pedestal resoneerders is gedoen. ’n Geheelgevulde pedestal SIW resoneerder, ’n gedeeltelik luggevulde voetstuk resoneerders en ’n leë voetstuk resoneerder is met mekaar vergelyk om die toenname in Q faktor aan te dui vir dieselfde grootte. Daarna word die gebruik van mikro-masjinerie geillustreer om hierdie nuwe resoneerder te vervaardig en te bespreek. Prototipes van ’n resoneerder en ’n tweede orde filter is vervaardig deur gebruik te maak van die bespreekte proses en daarna getoets. Dit het aangedui dat die Q faktor van 186 vir ’n ten volle di-elektriese resoneerder toe kan neem tot 285 vir ’n gedeeltelike luggevulde resoneerder. Hierdie is ’n toenname van 34,7%. Die laaste toepassing van die voetstuk resoneerder is met die gebruik van verstelbare strukture. Die voetstuk resoneerder blyk maklik verstelbaar te wees met die toevoeging van PIN diodes aan die voetstuk, wat met ’n annular ring geskei word. Vier verskillende frekwensie stadia word op hierdie manier bereik. ’n Resoneerder ’n derde orde filter is ontwerp, vervaardig en getoets. Goeie verstelbare frekwensie is bereik in simulasie en metings, maar groot verliese is gesien tydens metings.FRENCH RESUME: Cette thèse concerne l’étude de structures de type guide d’ondes intégrés aux substrats (Substrate Integrated Waveguide - SIW) et plus particulièrement les structures appelées Pedestal Substrate Integrated Waveguide. Celle-ci est constituée d’une cavité SIW fonc tionnant sur des modes évanescents, chargée par une capacité, laquelle est physiquement constituée d’une plaque métallique située sur un plan intermédiaire et reliée au plan mé tallique inférieur par un trou métallisé. Ce type de structures, récemment apparue dans la littérature scientifique, apparait comme l’une des solutions pertinentes aux problèmes rencontrés dans le domaine de la conception et l’intégration de filtres micro-ondes. Cette topologie Pedestal SIW est présentée et son fonctionnement est détaillé, puis elle est com parée à d’autres résonateurs micro-ondes classiquement utilisés. Trois axes de travail autour de cette structure sont ensuite présentés. Le premier concerne la conception de filtres s’appuyant sur ce type de résonateur et présentant des couplages croisés électriques et magnétiques. Le couplage électrique est obtenu grâce à l’introduc tion d’une ligne en forme de I située au niveau des plaques métalliques chargeant les cavités SIW, tandis que le couplage magnétique est obtenu de façon plus traditionnelle via des iris de couplages. Ces deux types de couplages offrent de larges plages de valeurs de couplage et la configuration proposée peut également produire un couplage mixte. Afin de démontrer la pertinence et la facilité de mise en œuvre, une preuve de concept a été réalisée grâce à un filtre passe-bande d’ordre six à couplage croisé générant des zéros de transmission situés sur les axes réels et imaginaires (zéros de transmission visibles sur la réponse en amplitude et en phase), a été conçu, réalisé et mesuré. Ce filtre présente une bande passante relative de 5 % à 5 GHz. Le deuxième axe investigué concerne l’utilisation de résonateurs de type Pedestal SIW au sein de structures accordables. Il est démontré que le résonateur est facilement rendu accordable par l’ajout de diodes PIN connectées sur la face supérieure du résonateur sur laquelle est gravée une bague annulaire. Deux résonateurs et un filtre d’ordre trois ac cordables sur quatre états ont été conçus, réalisés et testés. Finalement, le troisième axe porte sur le développement de résonateurs Pedestal SIW partiellement vides. L’objectif de l’utilisation d’une telle configuration technologique est de réduire les pertes et d’augmenter les facteurs Q tout en conservant une bonne compac ité. Après une étude théorique, les éléments de réalisation technologique sont présentés puis l’optimisation de différentes configurations est menée. Ensuite, La conception, la réalisation et la mesure d’un résonateur et d’un filtre de second ordre sont présentées. Les résultats démontrent une augmentation du facteur de de qualité de l’ordre de 35% par rapport à une structure entièrement emplie de diélectrique, permettant d’atteindre un facteur de qualité de 285.Master


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