Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST)
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    175 research outputs found

    Leadership and School Culture: Their Influence on Increasing Competence, Relevance, and Quality Aspects in Senior High Schools

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan budaya sekolah terhadap peningkatan mutu sekolah menengah atas di Sulawesi Selatan. Konsep mutu pendidikan dipahami sebagai pencapaian kualitas yang memenuhi atau melebihi harapan penerima, termasuk aspek kompetensi, relevansi, fleksibilitas, efisiensi, berdaya hasil, dan kredibilitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik Proportionate Random Sampling untuk memilih 226 kepala sekolah sebagai responden. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan variasi karakteristik responden dalam hal jenis kelamin, usia, pendidikan terakhir, lama mengajar, dan status jabatan. Uji regresi linear berganda dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel independen (kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan budaya sekolah) terhadap variabel dependen (peningkatan mutu sekolah). Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa kedua variabel independen secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan mutu sekolah (F = 104,064, p < 0,05). Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan budaya sekolah memiliki dampak yang positif terhadap peningkatan mutu sekolah. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi lembaga pendidikan dan praktisi pendidikan untuk memperhatikan aspek-aspek kepemimpinan dan budaya sekolah dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di sekolah menengah atas. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar untuk pengembangan strategi dan kebijakan pendidikan yang lebih efektif dan berkualitas di masa depan

    Evaluation of Web-Based Academic Management Information System Products in Improving Academic Administration

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    The issues that arise regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of academic management, one of which is due to the need for integration of activities using information technology. This research aims to develop a web-based academic information system product using the Research & Development (R&D) method and the ADDIE model. The study involves teachers and students at SMA Negeri 9 Banda Aceh and several experts in the development and implementation phases. The research results indicate that 90.29% of products in the category are deemed highly suitable through expert judgment validation. Meanwhile, the usability results of the product in limited trials were 76; in the main field trial, it was 72; and in the operational field trial, it was 84, categorizing the product as suitable and beneficial for schools in managing academic activities to enhance the effectiveness of school academic management. The implications of this research indicate the potential to improve academic management activities by integrating technology, thereby reducing administrative burdens, saving time, optimizing resource utilization, and assisting stakeholders in decision-making

    Development of Science Electronic Modules with an Ethnoscience Integrated STEM Approach in Traditional Herbal Medicine Making

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    This research aims to make a feasible and practical science electronic module with an ethnoscience-integrated STEM approach to traditional herbal medicine making for the subtheme of material classification and mixed separation of grade VII junior high school. This research design uses Research and Development (R&D) with a 4D model consisting of Define, Develop, Design, and Disseminate. The software used in developing electronic modules is anyflip. This research was conducted at Junior High School 2 Pracimantoro with the subject of 32 grade VII students. The instruments used in the research include product feasibility sheets, science electronic modules, and product practicality questionnaires. The feasibility and practicality instruments of the product are analyzed quantitatively and qualitative. The results of this study were electronic science modules with an integrated STEM approach to ethnoscience in traditional herbal medicine for the subthemes of material classification and mixed separation declared feasible and declared practical for use in junior high school science learning as evidenced by student response questionnaires obtaining a score of 49.3438 from the maximum number of scores of 60.

    Entrepreneurship Learning Management Information System Supporting the Independent Campus Learning Program

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    The study aims to: (1) identify the need to develop a learning management information system in information technology-based entrepreneurship courses in supporting the Independent Campus Learning (MBKM) program in higher education; (2) develop a learning management information system model for information technology-based entrepreneurship courses to support valid and effective MBKM in the university. The study employed a 4D model development design consisting of four stages, starting from design, development, and dissemination, and the instrument is validated using Aiken’v’s formula. The reliability is analyzed using Cronbach's alpha, and the practicality of the learning management information system is assessed using a Likert scale involving 25 students from the University of Technology Makassar Akba Makassar. It shows that the scale is very practical based on the positive responses from students and lecturers, and tests of the effectiveness of system usage. It indicated that the LMS effectively supports IT-based entrepreneurship learning, holistically improves students’ learning experience, and facilitates efficient teaching practice for lecturers. Then, the data analysis shows that the learning management information system for entrepreneurship subjects based on information technology practically supports the MBKM program.

    Effectiveness of Hajj Psychology Training to Improve Emotional Intelligence Prospective Pilgrims

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    Emotional intelligence is one of the keys to success in Hajj worship. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage emotions to improve the quality of one's own life and relate to others. Training is needed to give the candidate Hajj Jamaah an understanding of the importance of emotional intelligence. The research is aimed at improving the emotional intelligence of Hajj candidates. One hundred candidates from the city of Makassar who are 20 years of age and older are involved in this study. It consists of over 50 subjects as control and 50 as experimental groups. Emotional intelligence is measured by the Emotional Intelligence Test Scale (EIT). Psychological training focuses on developing self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills. The study uses an experimental approach (pretest post-test control group design), with statistical analysis techniques T-Test Between two independent sample means. The research results indicate that the psychological training of Hajj effectively improves the emotional intelligence of the candidate Hajj Jamaah. Psychological training can help a candidate Jamaah Haji to become a more calm, patient, and empathic Jamaah. This is important because the Hajj Jamaah will face various challenges during Hajj worship, both physical and menta

    Behavioristic Group Counseling Contingency Contracting Techniques In Reducing Teenage Bullying In Islamic Boarding Schools

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    The aim of this research is to test the effectiveness of behavioristic group counseling using contingency contracting techniques in reducing bullying among Islamic boarding school teenagers. This research uses a single case experimental design experimental method with an AB design. The subjects in this research were ten students from class VIII . Data collection techniques used Islamic boarding school youth instruments. Data analysis using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks t Test . The results of statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks t test showed differences in the intervention conditions compared to the baseline phase . Of the 10 experimental group respondents who were involved in the calculations, 10 people in line experienced a decrease from pretest to posttest. This is evidenced by subjects trying to reduce the frequency of carrying out bullying behavior . So it can be concluded that behavioristic group counseling using contingency contracting techniques is effective for reducing bullying among Islamic boarding school teenagers

    Development of a Group Guidance Service Model Based on Segulaha Cultural Values to Improve the Character of Junior High School Students

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    This research is a development research which aims to find out: (1) Description of the need for a group guidance service model based on segulaha cultural values in improving the character of junior high school students in Ternate City, (b) Design of a group guidance service model based on segulaha cultural values in improving the character of junior high school students in Ternate City, (c) Validity, practicality and effectiveness of the segulaha cultural values-based group guidance service model in improving the character of junior high school students in Ternate City. The type of research is Research and Development with the ADDIE model. Data collection was carried out by using questionnaires, observations, feasibility and practicality assessment sheets. The data obtained was then analyzed using qualitative and quantitative statistics. The results of the research show that a group counselling service model is needed in improving character education based on cultural values. The model designs created are outlined in model books and guidebooks for group guidance services based on cultural values to improve student character. The model developed is valid, feasible and practical to be continued in supporting group guidance services based on cultural values as well as improving the character of junior high school students. The results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the segulaha cultural values-based group guidance service model in improving the character of junior high school students were very effective. This is based on the results of the pretest and posttest which have increased

    Analysis of ELENA's Usage: Harmonization of TAM and TPB

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    This research analyzes perceptions of using ELENA from a student's perspective by harmonizing variables in the TAM and TPB theories. This research focused on students from the Department of Economic Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) class of 2021. Using the Slovin formula, a research sample of 205 students was obtained from 420 students. Research data was obtained using a questionnaire first tested for validity and reality. Descriptive analysis was used to determine the extent of students' perceptions of the research variables, and path analysis using the PLS method was used to test the research hypothesis. The research results show that perceived usefulness, attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control influence behavioral intention. Meanwhile, the variable that has no effect is perceived ease of use. According to the theoretical framework, attitude can mediate the influence of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on behavioral intention. Suggestions from this research to system developers are the need for a more straightforward manual guide and the need to simplify the system so that the system is user-friendly. Meanwhile, further research can use the same model as this research in other system applications

    Effectiveness of Group Counseling Services Using Self-Management Techniques to Reduce Online Game Addiction

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    The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of group counseling services with self-management techniques to reduce online game addiction at SMA Negeri 4 Malinau. This type of research is quantitative research with experimental methods. This research design is one group pre-test-post-test. The population of this research was 32 students and the sample was 5 students. Research analysis used the Wilcoxon test with the help of SPSS 26 for Windows. Based on the results of this study, it shows a decrease in reducing online game addiction after participating in the self-management technique group counseling services that have been provided. This pretest obtained a score of 360 with an average score of 72. After being given the service, students experienced a decrease in their score on the posttest of 252 with an average of 50.4. The results of the Wilcoxon test using SPSS 26 showed that the Z count in the experimental class was -2.023 and a significance level of 0.05. It is known that the Asymp.Sig.(2-tailed) value is 0.043<0.05, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that self-management technique group counseling services are effective in reducing online game addiction

    Constructing and Preliminary Validation of the School Peace Culture Scale

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    Educational opportunities are part of the culture of peace, which includes many areas of the community's well-being. This study comes up with a new way to measure school peace culture called the School Peace Culture Scale (SPCS). The researcher made the tool by evaluating it theoretically, checking its content validity, followed by doing a confirmatory study to check its internal and external psychometrics. The people who answered were in charge of or led Vocational High Schools in Makassar. There were 63 of them, 24 men and 39 women. The Winstep Rasch Model tool is used to analyze the data. The SPCS has been carefully checked for validity, and 34 items that are particularly good at measuring factors have been found. The results indicate a reliability value of 0.91 and item reliability of 0.82. The study also proved that the proposed SPCS questionnaire can measure the level of peace in schools. Furthermore, the research has confirmed that the items in the proposed SPCS questionnaire effectively assess the extent to which peace is implemented in schools. These results provide a foundation for further investigation. The questionnaire can help determine the extent to which a peaceful culture has been established in schools. Furthermore, the SPCS concept and questionnaire could be valuable tools for assessing schools that require training in promoting peaceful education


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