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247 research outputs found
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Morphometric Analysis in Determining Body Score Index of Male Duroc Pigs
This research aims to determine the index score of male Duroc pigs. The research was carried out at Mitra Tani Farm, Wewiku District, Malaka Regency. The livestock used in this research were 80 1 year old male Duroc pigs. The variable observed in this research is the Salako cumulative index which consists of weight index, height slope index, length index, width slope index, depth index, foreleg length index, balance and cumulative index which will be analyzed using the Salako (2006) formula to see the cumulative index to determine the index score of the livestock. The results of the study showed that the average morphometric size of male Duroc pigs was body weight 46.56 ± 24.00 kg, body length 58.43 ± 16.88 cm, shoulder height 50.78 ± 11.83 cm, hip height 52.00 ± 12.66 cm, chest circumference 77.90 ± 26.50 cm, chest width 18.45 ± 5.78 cm, chest depth 36.32 ± 12.95 cm, hip length 16.36 ± 4.67 cm, and hip width 12.28 ± 2.24 cm. The average weight index, height slope index, length index, width slope index, depth index, foreleg length index, and balance of male Duroc pigs from the research were respectively 14882.30 ± 8387.32; 1.23 ± 1.97; 1.14±0.13; 0.75±0.32; 0.70±0.14; 14.56±7.90; and 1.29 ± 0.70 with a cumulative index of 5.20 ± 2.35. Based on the research results obtained, it was concluded that the high cumulative index value of male pigs can be used to determine the body index score in livestock selection. This can be used as one of the selection criteria in improving the quality of pigs at Mitra Tani Farm Wewiku, Malaka Regency
Area-Based Beef Cattle Farming Spatial Planning in Lampung Province
Livestock areas are areas specifically designated for livestock activities or integrated as a component of farming. The Beef Cattle Livestock development program is faced with the problem of increasingly narrow business land due to increasing competition in land use which results in the land available for green animal feed becoming increasingly narrow. Lampung Province has an area of 33,575.41 Ha with hilly and mountainous topography making it suitable for livestock development, beef production of 21.18 million kg/year, and has large land potential for development. while the beef cattle population is 906,568 heads. With this potential, it is very possible for Lampung Province to become a region for developing beef cattle farming. However, the problem is that Lampung Province does not yet have mapping and standards for spatial planning or beef cattle farming areas. This research was carried out by identifying and analyzing the potential for beef cattle development in Lampung Province using 2 analyzes namely; Descriptive Analysis, and Location Quation (LQ) Analysis. LQ analysis is used to determine the areas of beef cattle livestock centers in districts/cities in Lampung Province. The results of the research show that there are 14 regencies/cities that can be used as business centers for the maintenance and development of beef cattle in Lampung Province. Of the 15 regencies/cities in Lampung Province, only Bandar Lampung City has an LQ value of less than 1. The results of this research can become a reference for the Lampung Provincial government, related agencies and other stakeholders in making policy decisions for developing beef cattle businesses in Lampung Province in the future
Association of Growth Hormone (GH) Gene Diversity with Quantitative Characteristics in KUB Chicken Using PCR-RFLP Method
The length of the title is recommended to not exceed fifteen words. This study aimed to obtain GH gene diversity and GH gene association. The materials used were 96 KUB chickens and 96 blood samples of 43 males and 53 females. The research method was experimental. The data collected included body weight, weight gain, and body size of male and female KUB chickens as well as the diversity of GH genes and the association of GH genes: T-test, principal component analysis (MCA), T2-Hotelling test, genotype frequency, alleles, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, heterozygosity and polymorphic information content (PIC). The results showed that body weight at 2 and 3 months of age, body weight gain at 2 to 3 months, and body size of male KUB chickens at 3 months of age were significantly different (p<0.05) higher than female KUB chickens. Body weight, body weight gain, and body size of male KUB chickens were higher than female KUB chickens. Body size characteristics of male and female KUB chickens were chest circumference, and male body shape characteristics were breast length and upper body length in females. The GH|MspI gene of KUB chickens is polymorphic and has associations with body weight, weight gain and body size with the best genotype being +/+
Effect of Using Fermented Carrot Leaves in Rations on Organic Matter Consumption, Crude Protein, and Crude Fiber in Thin-Tailed Sheep
Agricultural waste in the form of carrot leaves (Daucus carota L) has potential as a source of feed for thin-tailed sheep. Fermented processing of carrot leaves aims to increase feed efficiency, make it last longer and can be used within a certain time. This research aims to add information and references for readers regarding the effect of using fermented carrot leaves (Daucus carota L) in rations on the consumption of organic matter (BO), crude protein (PK), and crude fiber (SK) in thin-tailed sheep. This research was carried out for fifty-six days from December 2022 to January 2023 at Kandang Waris Mendho Farm and at the Integrated Laboratory of Tidar University. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 5 replications, P1: 60% concentrate + 40% pakchong forage, P2: 60% concentrate + 10% fermented carrot leaves + 30% pakchong forage, P3: 60% concentrate % + fermented carrot leaves 20% + pakchong forage 20%, P4: concentrate 60% + fermented carrot leaves 30% + pakchong forage 10%, P5: concentrate 60% + fermented carrot leaves 40%. The research results showed that fermented carrot leaves had no effect on (P>0.05) BO consumption and PK consumption, but had a significant effect on (P<0.05) SK consumption. The highest SK consumption was in P1 with a consumption value of 102.44 ± 7.74 g. It can be concluded that fermented carrot leaves do not interfere with PK and SK consumption levels
The Effect of Different Types of Egg Yolk in Tris Diluent on the Quality of Frozen Semen of Brahman Cattle
This study was conducted at the Regional Technical Service Unit for Artificial Insemination, Lampung District, Terbanggi Besar Subdistrict, Central Lampung Regency, Lampung Province, from January 25 to 30, 2023. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of different types of egg yolk and to identify the best type of egg yolk in tris diluent on the quality of frozen semen of Brahman cattle. The experimental design used was a Completely Randomized Design with three treatments: standard egg yolk, herbal egg yolk, and omega-3 enriched egg yolk, each with six replications. The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA at the 5% and 1% significance levels, and if significant, further analyzed with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The results showed that the different types of egg yolk in tris diluent had no significant effect (P>0.05) on post-thaw spermatozoa abnormalities, had a significant effect (P<0.05) on post-thaw spermatozoa motility, and had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on the percentage of live spermatozoa post-thawing. The conclusion of this study was that the addition of standard egg yolk and omega-3 enriched egg yolk in tris diluent has a better effect on the motility and percentage of live spermatozoa of Brahman cattle compared to the addition of herbal egg yolk
Morphometric Characteristics of Polled Bali Cattle Calves as New Local Beef Cattle in Indonesia
This study aimed to determine the morphometric performance of polled Bali cattle aged 12-15 months and the influence of the cows on the morphometrics of breeding cattle.The research material consisted of 120 head Bali cattle divided into 40 head polled cattle, 40 head with horns, and 40 cows with horns. The study was conducted in Barru District, South Sulawesi Province. The study parameters consisted of withers height, body length, and heart girth. The data were statistically analyzed using the independent sample t-test, and the effect of the morphometrics of the cows on the calves was analyzed using simple regression analysis. Measurement data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics application. The results showed a very significant difference in the body length of polled and horned males (p<0.01). Significant differences were also found in withers height and body length between polled and horned female calves (p<0.01). Polled Bali cattle aged 12-15 months have a larger morphometric size than those with horns. It is hoped that identifying the superiority of polled Bali cattle will continue at different age statuses to compile information as material for the Indonesian National Standard for hornless Bali cattle
Growth Performance of Broilers fed Basal Diets with Different Nutrient Content and Added with Enzyme
The balance of nutrients in the diet is essential for optimal bird performance. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the growth response of broilers fed different basal diets supplemented with enzymes. A total of 250 day-old chicks (Cobbs, mixed sex) were used in this experiment. The experiment was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 5 replications (10 birds/pen). The treatments were as follows: P0 = control diets, P0= Control diets, P1= Low crude protein diets (PK) P2= Low crude protein diets supplemented with protease; P3= Low phosphor diets; P4= Low phosphor diets supplemented with fitase. The results of statistical analysis showed that treatment had a significant effect (P<0.05) on feed intake, body weight gain (BWG), and feed conversion ratio(FCR) of broiler chickens aged 3 weeks. The conclusion of this study was that the addition of protease in a low-protein diet enhances feed intake, body weight gain, and feed efficiency in starter phase broilers. Conversely, the addition of phytase in a low-phosphorus and low-protein diet does not improve the growth performance of starter phase broilers
Testing The Physical Properties of Various Onggok Balance with Tofu Making Liquid Waster as Alternative Feed Ingredients
Onggok is a by-product of tapioca flour processing which can be utilized by adding tofu making liquid waste. This study is to determine the difference and the best balance on physical properties, namely specific gravity, stack density, and stack compaction density. Carried out at the Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Animal Feed Chemistry, Padjadjaran University. The study used an experimental method with a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) using five treatments and four repeats consisting of P0 (2 kg onggok: 0 liters of tofu liquid waste), P1 (2 kg ongdok: 2 liters of tofu liquid waste), P2 (2 kg onggok: 1 liter of tofu liquid waste), P3 (2 kg onggok: 700 ml of tofu liquid waste), and P4 (2 kg ongdok: 500 ml of tofu liquid waste). The results showed a noticeable effect (P<0.05) of physical properties testing. The P2 treatment produced the highest value in the specific gravity test of 1.111 g/mL, the P1 treatment produced the highest value in the pile density test of 0.237 g/mL, and the result of the stack compaction density in P1 of 0.282 g/mL. This study concluded that the addition of tofu making liquid waste can increase pile density and pile compaction densit
The Effect of Giving Eco Enzyme Based on Dayak Onion (Eleutherine palmifolia Merr.) in Drinking Water on the Lymphoid Organs of Broilers
This study aims to determine the effect of administering eco enzyme based on Dayak onions (Eleutherine palmifolia Merr.) on broiler lymphoid organs including bursa fabricius, spleen and thymus. The design used was a completely randomized design consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications. There are 100 broilers aged 1 day to 35 days. Each test consists of 40 animals. Treatments were: A0= without addition of Dayak onion eco enzyme, A1= addition of 1% Dayak onion eco enzyme, A2= addition of 1.5% Dayak onion eco enzyme, A3= addition of 2% Dayak onion eco enzyme, A4= addition of 2.5 % eco enzyme Dayak onion. The variables observed were the bursa of Fabricius, spleen and thymus. The results of the research showed that the addition of eco enzyme based on Dayak onions had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the percentage of bursa fabricius, spleen and thymus. The conclusion of this research is that the addition of Dayak onion-based eco enzyme at different levels does not have a significant effect on broiler lymphoid organs. The addition of up to 2.5% in drinking water can still be tolerated by broilers
Income Analysis Of Broiler Carcass’ Traders in Kupang City Traditional Market
A survey in April 2023 was conducted on broiler chicken carcass’ traders in the Kupang City traditional market which aimed to: find out the income of broiler chicken carcass traders in the Kupang City traditional market. Sampling was carried out through two stages, namely the determination of four traditional markets purposively and the determination of carcass traders as respondents was carried out randomly non-proportionally so that 60 representative respondents were obtained. The data analysis used is revenue analysis. The data was processed using Microsoft Excel 2010. The results of the analysis show that the income of broiler chicken carcass traders in the traditional market of Kupang City is Rp14,698,832 / year or capital productivity in this business is 69.74%. In summary, it can be said that the broiler chicken carcass sales business has been able to generate income for broiler chicken carcass traders. So it is recommended that broiler chicken carcass traders in the traditional market of Kupang City can improve carcass quality management, promote the carcass produced to consumers, and expand marketing networks by using digital marketing through social media so that the business they run can provide greater profits